- ramus communicantes griseus 灰交通支
- rami communicantes cum chorda tympani [医] [与]鼓索交通支
- rami communicantes cum chordatympani 鼓索交通支
- rami communicantes cum nervo faciali (与)面神经交通支
- rami communicantes cum nervo hypoglosso [医] [与]舌下神经交通支
- rami communicantes cum nervofaciali 面神经交通支
- rami communicantes cum nervolinguali 舌神经交通支
- rami communicantes nervorum spinalium 脊神经交通支
- rami communicantes cum nervo linguali 舌神经交通支
- Sympathetic trunk rami communicantes 交感干交通支
- ramus communicantes alba 白交通支
- rami communicantes ganglii submandibularis cum nervo linguali 颌下神经节舌神经交通支
- rami communicantes nervi auriculotemporaliscum nervo faciali 耳颞神经面神经交通支
- rami communicantes nervi lingualis cum nervo hypoglosso 舌神经舌下神经交通支
- The cysts are most often seen in the mandibular ramus or angle. 角化囊肿拥有明显的组织病理表徵,且以局部侵袭性和特高再发率著称。
- The ramus was seperated to the anterior middle and posterior ramus. 臀上动、静脉深上支分为前、中、后支;
- Tap "Phone" under the category of "Communic ation". 点选"通讯"类内的"电话".
- Most of the lesion are on the molar region, body and ascending ramus. 下颔骨的好发部位则依序为臼齿区域,下颔体部及枝部。
- Communicant:a person who receives or is entitled to receive Communion. 受圣餐的人:接受或赋予权力接受圣餐的人.
- The Treatment to Chronic Ulcer in Lower Limbs by Ligating Rami Communicantes Vein under Deep Fascia with Endoscope 内镜深筋膜下交通支静脉结扎治疗下肢慢性溃疡