- I cycled for nearly ten miles before I ran out of steam. 我骑了约10英里的车便感到筋疲力尽了。
- We wanted to keep hiking, but we ran out of steam. 我们想继续远足,但我们一点儿劲儿也没有了。
- He ran out of steam shortly before the end of the race. 他在快要跑完全程前已精疲力竭。
- Is there a danger of the housing programme running out of steam? 住宅兴建计划是否会有半途而废的危险?
- There is a danger of the housing programme running out of steam. 住宅兴建计划有半途而废之虞。
- He'd been talking all day and appears to have run out of steam. 他说了一整天,看起来筋疲力尽。
- You go on. I'm afraid I can't climb to the top,I've run out of steam. 你继续爬吧,我恐怕爬不顶,我已经没力气了。
- You go on. I'm afraid I can't climb to the top; I've run out of steam. 你继续爬吧,我恐怕爬不到顶,我已经没力气了。
- The Government had run out of steam and was retreating from its commitments. 政府已经无能为力,正在逃避承诺的义务。
- You go on. I'm afraid I can't climb to the top, I've run out of steam. 你继续爬吧,我恐怕爬不顶,我已经没力气了。
- By 2005 Mr Khatami's reforming presidency had after all run out of steam. 到了2005年,哈塔米不断改革的任期最终失去势头。
- There is a creeping sense that this Roma team have simply run out of steam. 看这场比赛你会有这种感觉,好像罗马已经使不出什么力气了。
- The challenger was outclassed and ran out of steam long before the end of the fight. 挑战者远远不如卫冕者,结果在拳击赛远没结束前就已筋疲力尽了。
- He runs out of steam shortly before the end of the race. 他在快要跑完全程前已精疲力竭。
- For several more weeks the Soviets kept up their attacks, until they ran out of steam. 苏军持续了几个星期的进攻,直到他们兵力耗尽。
- The Democratic candidates campaign appears to be running out of steam. 民主党人的竞选活动似乎日落西山了。
- We ran out of juice on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上行驶时汽油用完了。
- The performing group began well,but seemed to run out of steam halfway through the year. 演出小组开始时很好,可是一年还没到头似乎就有些泄气了。
- I used a litter of Siamese kittens as a reference, and was planning to draw some siblings for Ranik when I ran out of steam. 我用了一些暹罗猫当作参考,且本来是要画更多的人物,过后来还是觉得太累人了。
- Early season boasts that his side could go unbeaten proved fatally floored as they ran out of steam and Manchester United regained their crown. 他在赛季初曾宣称他的球队将保持不败,但不幸的是他的话落了空。因为阿森纳在赛季后段突然掉了链子,而曼联则重新夺回了冠军奖杯。