- Its snarls ran the gamut from pain to terror. 牠的嗥叫历经了从痛苦到恐怖的各种层面。
- In one minute I ran the gamut of feeling from hope to despair. 在一分钟内,我历经了从希望到失望感觉的种种层面。
- In one minute I ran the gamut of felling from hope to despair. 在一分钟内,我经历了由希望到失望的全部感情历程。
- Wolves run the gamut of colors, from deep black to albino. 狼有着各种颜色,从深黑到灰白。
- Pop Culture collectibles can run the gamut from a special early edition pair of Levis to a rare Coca Cola collectible. 流行文化收藏品可以包罗万象;从年初版一双特殊罕见的轻型可口可乐收藏.
- This poem runs the gamut of emotions from despair to joy. 这首诗展现了从绝望到喜悦的感情历程。
- There are lists of national restaurants which run the gamut of price and elegance. (有全国的餐厅表,列出了从最高到最低的价格和档次。
- Online users interviewed said the emotions summoned by the video run the gamut: from laughter to cynicism to surprise. 也有人认为这根本就是个骗局,但他们却还是忍不住再三浏览她的视频。
- Preferred forms of transportation run the gamut from rickshaws to first class Emirate Airways cabins. 我更喜欢全程坐着人力车而不是坐在阿联酋航空公司的一等舱里。
- In wrapping things up, Gross presented 25 forward-looking questions that ran the gamut of topics, culled from suggestions by the meeting's attendees. 为了整理归纳会议成果,葛罗斯从与会者意见中,挑出了25个具前瞻性的重大问题加以简报,涵盖了所有的领域。
- The rest take pleasure in watching the emotions run the gamut on the faces of their partners. 其余的人却享受着观赏着他们的伴侣的脸上的激情全过程的快乐。
- He runs the whole gamut of dissipation. 他干尽了放荡的事儿。
- Events run the gamut in frequency, from several times a day to once per year, with all levels in between. 活动将具有周期性,从一天数次到一年一度,也分为了不同的级别。
- After the test I thought at first I had done very well, then quite well, and finally, poorly. I ran the gamut from confidence to despair. 考试结束,开始我觉得答很好,渐渐觉得好得不的了,但后来觉得考砸极了。我这是从充满自信到极度失望的巨大落差啊
- They run the gamut from the possibilityof full-blown Communist expropriation to bad accounting, insider trading,market manipulation and fraud. 这些风险从标准的共产主义式没收的可能性开始,一直到糟糕的会计,内部交易,市场交易和欺诈行为。
- They run the gamut from the possibility of full-blown Communist expropriation to bad accounting, insider trading, market manipulation and fraud. 这些风险包括从共产党没收的可能性,到伪劣帐目,操纵市场,以及欺骗等。
- Its 14 grades of resin run the gamut of plastic uses, including blow molding, injection molding, thermoforming and film production. 14年级的树脂运行的各种塑料用途,包括吹塑,注塑,热成型和电影制作。
- The usefulness, size, and function of these important carry-alls have run the gamut over the years of increasing change in women's roles in the workplace and lifestyle traverses. 我们身处设计师令女人的所有穿戴之物都优雅细致的年代,因此我们需要了解什么风格和场所,女士应该带什么样的钱包或公文包。
- As a rule, 66 percent of people keep their eyes closed while kissing. The rest take pleasure in watching the emotions run the gamut on the faces of their partners. 作为一种习惯,66%25的人在接吻时会闭上眼睛。另外一些人则喜欢观察他们的伴侣在接吻时脸上的表情变化。
- He ran the whole gamut of dissipation. 他干尽了放荡的事儿。