- range with maximum tankage 最大载油量航程
- Love is sometimes put in range with a career. 人们往往认为爱情和事业是并驾齐驱的。
- The trees range with the front of the house. 这些树与房子的正面在一条直线上。
- Can you discuss your salary range with me? 你能告诉我贵公司的薪水范围吗?
- I was instructed to make contact with maximum alacrity. 我被命令越快和你们取得联系越好.
- Confine fire spark range with fire proof sheet. 用防火材料制成防火屏防止火花喷射。
- I would like a position with maximum self-control and autonomy. 我希望的职位是一个有最大的自治和自主权。
- The plan must be carried out with maximum speed and discretion. 该计画必须以最高的速度且审慎地执行。
- It's foolish of you to put Susan's picture in range with Leo's. 你把苏珊和利欧的照片并排在一起是很愚蠢的。
- The direction of the low frequency current with maximum frequency was also WSW. 低频流出现频率最多的方向和潮流基本一致。
- This is the mountain range with many rich deposits of gold. 这是富含金矿的山脉。
- Ca2+ activated HEL with maximum activation occurring at 0.005 mol/LCa2+. Ca~(2+)能激活HEL;0.;005mol/L Ca~(2+)的激活作用最大。
- The two brothers ranged with modern writers. 兄弟二人跻身于现代作家的行列。
- He ranges with the greatest composers. 他是最伟大作曲家之一。
- They can be straight or bent or tapered to desired shapes to meet space requirements with maximum light transmission. 可以是直条型或弯曲或锥型至任何所需之形状以符合机构设计时对空间的要求。
- The state shall do its utmost with maximum sincerity to achieve a peaceful reunification. 国家以最大的诚意,尽最大的努力,实现和平统一。
- Mould should be designed with maximum cooling and with appropriate amount of ejection points. 模具在设计上要做到尽快冷却,上、下内模高温点应该有个别的冷却,应有适量顶针。
- Meeting the needs of industries from stevedoring to printing for damage free roll handling with maximum efficiency. 适用于各种造纸、包装、印刷等行业对各类纸卷进行高效、无破损的搬运与堆垛作业。
- Except where skilled door hangers are available, premachined doors offer cost control with maximum results. 预加工的门除了有技术性的装配外,还提供最有效的成本控制。
- Pressure gauges in our standard range with triangular bezel or front mounting flange. 三角企口沟缘或前固定法兰的标准压力表。