- Their business methods sicken me. 我很讨厌他们做生意的手法。
- rapacious business methods 唯利是图的生意经.
- She's not too nice in her business methods. 她的经营方法不敢恭维。
- I shall initiate you into our business methods. 我将把我们的营业方法介绍给你。
- Exposing business methods as Web Services. 将业务方法暴露为Web服务。
- He's not too nice in his business methods. 他的经营方法不太高明。
- I will initiate you into our business methods. 我将把我们的营业方法介绍给你。
- His business methods were not entirely honest,and he soon ran afoul of the law. 他做生意的方法不很老实,不久就犯了法。
- His theories are based on a superficial knowledge of Japanese business methods. 他的理论基于对日本经营策略的浅薄的理解。
- You are in his employ. what coign of vantage ! You can watch his business methods so easily. 你受他的雇用,这是一个多么有利的位置呵!你可以很容易地观察他做生意的方法。
- A session facade EJB business methods call more than one DAO to save on more than one table. 会话外观EJB业务方法调用了一个以上的DAO来将其保存在一张以上的表中。
- You're in his employ. what a coign of vantage! You can watch his business methods so easily. 你受他的雇用,这是一个多么有利的位置呵!你可以很容易地观察他做生意的方法。
- First, you need to write an interface that defines all of your business methods. 首先,需要编写一个定义所有业务方法的接口。
- Create a Java class defining the Web service with public business methods that become the Web service operations. 创建Java类,用来定义使用公共业务方法的Web服务,这些方法会成为Web服务操作。
- LYTLE B,SIGNORE P.Finance companies rush to patent business methods[J].Managing Intellectual Property,2004,2:35-37. 钱立亚江亚平.;对商业方法实行专利保护的观察与思考[J]
- The practice of patenting such basic business methods has increasingly come under fire. (U. 类似这种将基本操作方法拿去申请专利的情形,已经引起愈来愈多的批评。
- In order to make this example a bit more realistic, some business methods will be added to the LibraryBean using the Java editor that was just opened. 为了使这个例子更贴近现实,通过使用充分开放的Java编辑器来将一些业务方法添加到LibraryBean中。
- The firm will go under unless business improves. 生意若无起色,公司非垮不可。
- A person of a rapacious, predatory, or profiteering nature. 贪婪的人具有贪婪、凶残或逐利性格的人
- He used his knowledge of international law to advise American businesses. He developed this advice into books on business methods and management. 他运用国际法知识为美国公司提供咨询,并且将这些建议发展为经营理念和管理类书籍。