- First, this will be an era of rapid change. 首先,这将是个瞬息万变的新纪元。
- We have rapid change as a mindset. 我们树立迅速改变的观念。
- American society is one of rapid change. 而美国社会是个快速变化的社会。
- In times of rapid change, experience could be your worst enemy. 在快速变化的年代,经验可能是你最大的敌人。
- When grass is ensiled it undergoes a rapid change in composition. 牧草一经青贮,其化学成分要发生很大变化。
- Our agenda underwent a rapid change after the chairman's resignation. 主席辞职后;我们的议事项目迅即做出变动.
- Hong Kong was in a state of rapid change in the sixties and seventies. 六、七十年代,香港经历了急剧的转变。
- Adolescence is a period of rapid changes. 青春期就是多变的时期。
- Today, in order to meet the market competition, modes of business operation have undergone rapid change. 今天,为适应市场竞争,经营方式正在迅速改变。
- Rapid changes will provoke counterbalancing actions. 迅速的变化将会刺激抗衡行动。
- Progressive legal and political reform is vital for managing the social tensions thrown up by rapid change. 循序渐进的法律和政治改革,对于解决由快速变化引起的社会紧张局势是至关重要的。
- Technologies are constantly undergoing rapid change and offering increased capacity and new uses. 资讯科技日新月异,不断进步,带来更大的生产能力和崭新的用途。
- The Union gave us the resources, the support and the opportunity to achieve rapid change. 欧盟给予我们快速转变所需的资源、支持和机遇。
- The rapid change of baleful domain name and download implement avoid those who kill is frequent showed this newlier. 恶意域名的迅速变化以及下载器免杀的频繁更新都说明了这一点。
- Printers, converters, and trade shops serving the packaging industry are facing a time of rapid change. 涉足包装行业的印刷商、加工商和贸易商正在面临一个快速变化的时期。
- With an electorate wary of rapid change and a system designed to frustrate it, Japan has rejected the reform it needs. 选民对飞速变化的畏惧心理加上旨在挫败改革的一套系统,日本将它急需的改革拒之门外。
- We live in a rapidly changing world. 我们生活在瞬息万变的社会里。
- Face the rapid change of memory industry and numerous choice, how should CPO do? 面临内存工业的敏捷转变和众多的选择,CPO该怎么办呢?
- "God of operation," Matsushita believes that the key to business growth is "a daily update" to cope with rapid change. “经营之神”松下幸之助认为,企业成长的关键是“每日更新”,以迅速应对变化。
- Such rapid change in the Arctic climate,they cautioned,could threaten the survival of animals and plants. 他们警告,北极气候如此快速的变化,会威胁到动植物的生存。