- The author also holds that it is farsighted view to plan and construct rapid rail transit system in main megalopolis areas of China. 提出了我国城市群快速轨道交通建设的必要性和大体设想。
- The AFC system of Dalian rapid rail transit line 3 is the first of its kind independently developed by China itself, which employs contactless IC card as the carrier of tickets. 摘要大连快轨交通3号线AFC系统是国内第一个自主研发并投入运行,完全以非接触式IC卡为车票载体(单程票用薄卡型)的自动售检票系统。
- RRT: rapid rail transit. 快速轨道交通系统。
- As the rapid development of Urban Rapid Rail Transit (URRT), it faced questions with the shortage of funds, the uncoordinated Transportation planning and land-use planning and so on. 城市轨道交通在快速发展的同时,面临着建设资金短缺、交通规划与土地利用规划不协调等问题。
- Probe into network planning and design of rapid rail transit 城市轨道交通线网规划设计的探讨
- Traffic volume Forecast for Xi'an Urban Rapid Rail Transit 西安城市快轨交通线网方案客流测试研究
- A Study on the Scale Length of the Network Plan of Shanghai Rapid Rail Transit 上海市中心城轨道交通网络规划合理规模研究
- Design Thoughts on Planning of Inner City Rapid Rail Transit System in Dongguan 东莞市市域快速轨道交通规划设计思考
- A Prospect in the System of Beijing-Shanghai Rapid Rail Transit Passage 北京-上海高速交通通道体系展望
- Spatial contribution of the rapid rail transit network in metropolises 大城市快速轨道交通线网空间布局
- Study of Rational Scale Length for Urban Rapid Rail Transit Network Plan in Shijiazhuang 石家庄市轨道交通合理线网规模匡算的研究
- Level Positing- setting and System Mate of Urban Rapid Rail Transit Construction 城市轨道交通的水平定位和系统匹配
- A Summary of Experiences in AFC System Project of Dalian Rapid Rail Transit Line 3 大连快轨3号线AFC系统工程经验
- Keywords Urban Rapid Rail Transit;Land Use;Hedonic Price Model;Integrated Development;Shenzhen; 城市轨道交通;土地利用;特征价格模型;综合开发;深圳;
- AFC system is the core sub-system in rail transit. 摘要简要介绍了一个轨道交通自动售检票系统AFC外包管理实践案例。
- Welcome to take rail transit line No. 5. 乘客您好,欢迎乘坐轨道交通5号线。
- rapid rail transit 快速轨道交通
- Inner- city rapid rail transit 市域快轨
- Question 8: the city rail transit shall adopt light rail or subway? 问题8:都市区轨道是轻轨还是地铁形式?答:均为地铁形式。
- regional rapid rail transit 市域快速轨道交通