- He said that the Austria Pama may issue 500 US dollar welfare ticket which greatly he pledged, but, this money very quick will then exhaust, with difficulty rare or endangered species. 他说,奥巴马大可发出他所承诺的500美元福利券,可是,这一笔钱很快便会耗尽,难以振兴经济。
- rare or endangered species 珍稀濒危植物
- As the morning mist rises, the Australian rain forest appears never-ending. On Cape York Peninsula, there are 379 rare or endangered plant species and 85 rare or endangered vertebrates. 晨雾缭绕的时候,澳大利亚的雨林似乎永无止境。在约克角半岛上,有379种珍稀或濒临灭绝的植物种类,85种珍稀或濒临灭绝的脊椎动物。
- Hatton is an approved Rare Breeds Farm involved in the conservation, breeding and promotion of rare or endangered breeds of farm animals. 哈顿是经过认证的一家农场参与包括稀有品种养殖,保护和促进繁殖濒临灭绝的家畜的一些项目。
- This rare bird has become an endangered species. 这种珍禽已成为濒临灭绝的物种。
- Nonetheless, about 400 of the 958 species that are listed as threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Alt are considered to be at risk primarily because of competition with and predation by non-native species. 濒危物种法中所列出958种濒危物种中,有约400种被认是主要由于非本土物种的竞争和捕食而处于濒危状态。
- We should do our best to save endangered species. 我们应该竭尽全力挽救濒于灭绝的生物。
- The giant panda has become an endangered species. 大熊猫已成了一种濒临灭绝的动物。
- An endangered species; an endangered culture. 濒临绝种的生物种类; 濒临绝传的文化
- We can see a number of rare and endangered species breeding here. 我们可以看到一些稀有的濒临灭绝的物种在这里繁衍生息。
- Do you like your steak rare or welldone? 牛排要嫩一点还是老一点?
- "No mammal, bird, reptile and amphibian should be collected from the field, as many of them are rare or endangered or prohibited by law from collection." 很多哺乳类动物、鸟类、爬虫类和两栖类都是稀有甚至频危的,而且都受法例保护,所以不应收集它们做样本。
- if any Chinese paddlefish and other rare or endangered wild aquatic animal is found dead, it shall be handed over to the SMAOCPNR to be handled properly. 发现中华鲟及其他珍贵、濒危水生野生动物已经死亡的,应当交由保护区管理处妥善处理。
- The bison, or buffalo, was an endangered species in the United States. 北美野牛或水牛是美国境内濒临绝种的动物。
- if any Chinese paddlefish and other rare or endangered wild aquatic animal is found dead, it shall be handed over to the SMAOC R to be handled properly. 发现中华鲟及其他珍贵、濒危水生野生动物已经死亡的,应当交由保护区管理处妥善处理。
- Avoid purchasing souvenirs made from coral or any threatened or endangered marine species. 避免购买珊瑚制成的纪念品或任何快要绝种的海洋生物制品.
- The chimpanzee is an endangered species. 黑猩猩是濒于灭种的动物.
- The wolf is an endangered species. 狼是危险的种类
- It is a kind of endangered species. 这是一种濒临灭绝的生物。
- Are Books an Endangered Species? 书籍是即将灭绝的物种吗?