- Anderson G W. A Burning Rate Model for Charring Materials[Z]. Gaitherburg:1997. 未定义类型作者.;题名(正体;实词首字母大写)[Z]
- Anderson G W. A Burning Rate Model for Charring Materials[Z]. Gaitherburg:1997. 未定义类型作者.题名(正体,实词首字母大写)[Z].;出版地:出版者;出版年
- In this paper, We study the point estimation of linear failure rate model under censored life test. 该文研究了在定数截尾样本下线性失效率模型中参数的点估计问题。
- The two most popular models are the probe gap model and the probe rate model. 其中两个非常受欢迎的模型分别是探查缺口模型和探查速率模型。
- Objective To establish a rate model of stable orthotopic liver transplantation using three-cuff technique. 目的探讨建立稳定的三袖套法大鼠原位肝移植模型。
- Then we build RMB’s equilibrium exchange rate model by Engle-Granger two steps, error-correction model and H-P filter. 然后运用Engle-Granger两步法、误差修正模型和H-P滤波等计量方法构造出人民币均衡汇率模型,并以此估算出人民币均衡汇率的水平及其失调程度。
- This paper discusses the mechanism of the synthesis of ureaformaldehyde resin adhesive and proposesa reaction rate model. 本文讨论了尿素和甲醛反应生成际醛树脂粘合剂的反应机理及其可能的控制步聚,提出了反应速度方程模型。
- In the preencoding stage, with rate model, calculating the potential encoding bit numbers(EBN) and corresponding quantization value(NEAR) based on the buffer fullness. 在前一阶段 ;利用提出的模型推算出满足缓存的估计编码比特数及对应的量化值 .
- For example, KMV model based on option theory, CreditMetrics model based on VaR method, have with precise to it regards as to be basic death rate model, etc. insurance. 例如,以期权理论为基础的KMV模型,以VaR方法为基础的Credit Metrics模型,还有以保险精算为基础的死亡率模型等等。
- The hydrogen pressure transient in the break point and the compressibility of water/steam in the tubes are taken into account in the water leakage rate model. 根据断裂处氢气压力变化,并考虑管内流体的压缩性建立了水的泄漏率模型。
- Then a differential model,which discribes the changes of sandface flow rate under pressure drawdown and buildup is derived.The rate model is used to solve the question ... 通过非结构网络 ,把井眼看作一个网格块 ,推导出了能反映开、关井后地层渗流量变化的用于求解单相流试井问题的差分模型。
- The models used for simulation are the Cox-Ingersoll-Ross interest rate model (CIR) and Geometric Brownian motion. 不过若提供更灵活的养老金提取制度,也许人们会自发的平衡这个问题吧。
- At this rate we won't be able to afford a holiday. 照这样下去,我们不会有时间/钱去度假的。
- We establish an generalized exponential O-U model with "jump" ,and the option value equation and the pricing formula of European call option are deduced under incontinuous stochastic interest rate model. 创建带跳跃的指数O-U随机过程扩展模型,并在利率为跳-扩散过程的假设下,给出了相应的期权价值方程以及欧式看涨期权的定价公式。
- As a common interest rate model,CEV model (Constant Elasticity of Variance Model) has been widely used in the real life analysis. However,its unit root test has long been ignored or at most Dickey?Fuller Test is accepted as a valid test. CEV模型(ConstantElasticityofVarianceModel)作为常用的利率模型,在实证分析中得到了广泛运用,但是其单位根检验一直被忽略或者被默认可以使用迪基-富勒检验。
- Under the principle of disclosure prior permission, can effective rate model, the patentee and balanced iso standard executor multi-stakeholder, etc.It is a good prospect for the plan. 事先披露原则下的总许可费率模式,能够有效的平衡标准化组织、专利权人和标准实施者等多方利益,无疑是一种具有良好适用前景的方案。
- Two interpolation methods, which are linear interpolation method and the Lagrange interpolation method, are compared for calculating the rate model of multi-component nonlinear liquid chromatography. 本文讨论了非线性多组分液相色谱速率模型求解过程中两种不同的插值方式即线性插值和拉格朗日插值对模型计算结果收敛速度的影响。
- The general rate model considering axial dispersion,film mass transfer and effective diffusion in particle was adopted to study the chromatography process of taxol and cephalmonnine. 采用考虑了轴向扩散、液膜传质阻力和固定相孔内扩散传质阻力的普遍化速率模型研究紫杉醇和三尖杉磷碱的色谱过程;
- Meese R A,Rogoff R.Empirical Exchange Rate Models of the Seventies:Do They Fit Out of Sample?[J].Journal of International Economics,1983,14:3-34. 陈雨露;侯杰.;汇率决定理论的新近发展:文献综述
- The rate model of the temperature difference from heater and the computing models of the other parameters are put forward. 建立了加热器端差评价模型,并推出了再热喷水及高加旁路泄漏运行能损在线计算模型。