- ratio value criterion 比值审敛法
- Pixel aspect ratio value needs to be between 1 and 255. 像素纵横比需要在 1 到 255 之间。
- Collectivism is a kind of moral standard and value criterion as a form of social consciousness. 集体主义是社会意识形式之一的道德规范和价值准则。
- The society progress,as one kind value evaluation,reflects a conjunction relationship between the subjective value criterion of the subject and the development of the object. 社会进步作为一种价值评价,反映的是评价主体的主观价值标准与对象客体客观发展状况之间的契合关系。
- As each point on the surface is being shaded the Sampler Info node determines the Facing Ratio value for that point. 在被着色表面上的每一个点上,采样信息节点决定这个点的分形比率。
- We formulate three types of the multi-objectives models: expected shortest path model, minmin pessimistic value criterion model and dependent-chance model. 我们想找到一条路程最近、时间最短和费用最少的路,所以我们建立了三个多目标规划模型:期望值模型、最小化悲观值模型和模糊随机相关机会规划模型。
- By assigning a "split ratio value" on the singular node, the singular equation in the network can be preserved. 另外为避免移除奇异方程式所造成的问题,在本研究中提出两种解决之方法。
- In 2003~2004 years POC fluxes decreased rapidly. The ratio value of DOC and POC fluxes increased rapidly, related possibly with retaining, reforming and eutrophication. 2003~2004年间POC通量急剧减少;DOC通量与POC通量的比值迅速增大;可能与三峡水库对颗粒物的拦蓄、改造及富营养化有关.
- Its connotation includes consciousness of value basis that feeling come from nature, of value criterion that morals come from feelings, of value appearance that things induce feelings and of value subject that design dominates morals. 其内涵为“情生于性”的价值根据意识、“道始于情”的价值准则意识、“物诱性动”的价值发生意识和“心术主道”的价值主体意识。
- If a point being shaded is directly pointing at the rendering camera then its Facing Ratio value will be 1, if it is perpendicular to the camera then its value will be 0. 如果一个被着色点是直接指向渲染的摄像机的,那么面比率值是1,如果它是垂直于摄像机的,它的数值是0。
- In the Dust material the Facing Ratio value from the samplerInfo1 node is what drives the remapping of the solidFractal1 texture through the dustRamp node. 在一个被着色表面的一个点面向摄像时的角度是叫做面比率。如果一个被着色点是直接指向渲染的摄像机的,那么面比率值是1,如果它是垂直于摄像机的,它的数值是0。
- Minimin risk function value criterion 最小最小风险函数值准则
- We analysed sever al parameters of EOG on 100 eyes, involved four electrical values, two time parameters and four ratio value. 检测和分析了100只正常眼的多项EOG诊断指标,其中电位值参数四项,时间参数两项,比值参数四项。 分析表明:电位值参数个体差异大,各作者报告正常范围相差较大,不易比较;
- The ethos is the assembly of character, moral notions and value criteria peculiar to a specific nation. 摘要民族精神是一个民族的民族品格、道德观念和价值准则的总和。
- During about the equivalency time, the mean ratio value of different directions at the three various disposal conditions was: width/ length=2.31, thickness/ length=1.87, width/ thickness=1.34. 在处理时间大致相同的情况下;不同条件下不同方向吸水膨胀尺寸比值的平均值约为:宽度/长度=2.;31;厚度/长度=1
- The coupling ratio values of hapten to BSA and OVA by active ester reaction and diazotizition reaction were 12,2 and 30,1 respectively. 结论全抗原偶联成功,活性酯法和重氮化法使氯霉素半抗原与BSA,OVA的偶联比值分别为12,2; 30,1。
- The Fundamental Interest Of People Is the Highest Value Criterion 人民群众的根本利益是最高的价值尺度
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- Normal Stress Intensity Factor Ratio Criterion. 此准则是一种综合考虑了正应力强度因子和剪应力强度因子对裂纹起裂。
- I set a high value on his advice. 我认为他的忠告很有价值。