- Have you used your ration of petrol for this week? 你用了这星期给你定量的汽油了吗?
- The soldiers were given their rations of food. 士兵们分得了他们的给养口粮。
- L-1, the best length of root tips was 1.2 mm. L-1;切取的最佳根尖长度为1.;2 mm。
- Methods:Cultivation of root tip. 方法:种子的根尖培养法。
- I've had my ration of problems for one day,you deal with it! 我手头的问题已经够我忙活一天的了,你来处理这件事吧!
- He predicated rationality of man. 他断言人是有理性的。
- Power gain (18) The ration of output power to input power. 功率增益(18)輸出功率對輸入功率之比值。
- The exudation of water from leaves as a result of root pressure. 吐水作用由于根部压力使叶片向外渗水的现象
- Effects of apical transportation on seal of root canal fillings. 根管偏移对充填材料封闭根管能力的影响。
- The small ration of rice can hardly satisfy his hunger. 配给他的一点点米并不能使他免除饥饿。
- There are 24 kinds of allelochemicals of root exudates in pepper. 辣椒根系分泌物的化感物质共有24种。
- We predicate rationality of man. 我们断言理性是人类的属性。
- TROPISMS are due to differential elongation of cells on different sides of root or shoot, resulting in curvature. 向性的产生是由于根或枝上不同部位的细胞壁延伸程度不同,导致其弯曲而造成的。
- Growth of root and shoot in cuttings was characte rized by an alternative pattern during their early growth period. 扦插苗生长的初期,根和梢的生长表现为交替轮长的特性。
- People's ration of meat limited to a pound of meat per week. 人们的定量供应被限制为一星期一磅肉。
- The biomass of root and shoot tended to increase with the growth stage advancing, but the tendency of R/ S was reduced. 且随生育期的推进,根、冠生物量均呈增加趋势,根冠比则呈减小趋势。
- As part of the diet, allow yourself a small daily ration of sugar. 作为饮食的一部份,每天要摄入少量的糖。
- Every application has a set of roots. 每个应用程序都有一组根。
- The small ration of rice could hardly satisfy his hunger. 配给他的一点点米并不能使他免除饥饿。
- The product ration of sodium-copper chlorophyllin was 0. 叶绿素铜钠盐的收率达到0。