- They were determined to throw out the reactionary government. 他们决心把反动政府赶下台。
- The reactionary government slapped additional taxes on consumer goods. 反动政府对消费品任意加税。
- The reactionary government fed on the flesh and blood of the people. 反动政府搜刮民脂民膏。
- The reactionary government tried vainly to take the steam out of the protest movement. 反动政府枉费心机地企图削弱这场抗议运动。
- On May 29 eight workers were slaughtered by the reactionary government in Tsingtao. 5月29日青岛八名工人被反动政府屠杀。
- Accounts of cruel tortures in the jails of the reactionary government would curl one's hair. 关于反动政府监狱里酷刑情况的介绍听了会叫人毛骨悚然。
- The reactionary government oppresses the lower castes, and communists are internationalists. “反动政府压迫低等种姓,而共产主义者是国际主义者。
- MLF demands self-determination from the reactionary government which oppressed them economically, politically and socially. 玛解阵要求民族自决,反对在政治、经济、社会上压迫他们的反动政府。
- The imperialist powers supply the reactionary government with large quantities of munitions and a host of military advisers,in order to keep the warlords hghting among themselves and to suppress the Chinese people. 为了造成中国军阀混战和镇压中国人民,帝国主义列强供给中国反动政府以大量的军火和大批的军事顾问。
- Because the reactionary government,though short of provisions and funds,endlessly expands its armies and thus constantly extends the warfare,the masses of soldiers are in a constant state of privation. 因为反动政府在粮饷不足的条件之下无限制地增加军队,并因此而使战争一天多于一天,使得士兵群众经常处在困苦的环境之中。
- That was mainly because of a century of imperialist aggression and of corrupt reactionary governments. 这首先同一百多年的帝国主义侵略有关,也与历代反动政府的腐败有关。
- These novels reveal the reactionary government"s repression on the progressive literati, display the sally of the illuminati during the predicament, and probe deep to find intellectuals a way out. 作品暴露反动政权对进步文人的镇压,展现时代困境下文人的避世选择,并对知识分子的出路进行深入探讨。
- And that was due entirely to oppression and exploitation by foreign imperialism and domestic reactionary governments. 这种落伍,完全是被外国帝国主义和本国反动政府所压迫和剥削的结果。
- be persecuted by the reactionary government 受到 反动政府的迫害
- But imperialism and its running dogs, the reactionary governments of China, could control only a part of these intellectuals and finally only a handful, such as Hu Shih, Fu Sze-nien and Chien Mu; all the rest got out of control and turned against them. 对于这些人,帝国主义及其走狗中国的反动政府只能控制其中的一部分人,到了后来,只能控制其中的极少数人,例如胡适、傅斯年、钱穆之类,其他都不能控制了,他们走到了它的反面。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- This was a victory over reactionary forces. 这是对反动势力的一个胜利。
- Job creation has become an imperative for the government. 创造就业机会是政府必须做的事。
- The government answerable to the people. 政府应为他的人民负责。
- The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue. 政府力图在这个问题上保持低姿态。