- The most important programs are in the read only memory. 最重要的程序都在只读存储器中。
- The most important programs is in the read only memory. 最重要的程序都在只读存储器中。
- He can read only so much in a day. 他一天只能看这么多。
- He read only part of the article. 他只看了这篇文章的片段。
- The specified file is read only. 指定的文件是只读文件。
- Such values are read only and invariant. 这些值都是只读和不变的。
- I have read only access to my bank files. 我用只读方式存取我的银行文件。
- I read only this digest of the novel. 我只读过该小说的摘要。
- The WMI data item or data block is read only. WMI数据项目或数据块为只读。
- ROM:Read only memory; internal storage device in which information is permanent. 只读存储器:只读存储器;内部存储设备,信息是永久存在的。
- It is only device to measure hemodynamic by the Inert Gas Rebreathing method. 唯一应用气体再呼吸法技术检测血流动力学及氧动力学的仪器.
- I've read only the first few pages of her book, but it was enough to whet my appetite. 她的书我只看了开头几页,但已经引起我极大的兴趣。
- ROM: Read only memory; internal storage device in which information is permanent. 只读存储器:只读存储器;内部存储设备,信息是永久存在的。
- You may skip and read only those passages which concern you. 你只需选那些与你有关的段落读一下即可。
- A type of read only memory that can is erased, thereby returning the device to a blank state. 一种只读存储器,其中的内容可以擦除,使存储器成为空白状态。
- Next read only the first sentence of each successive paragraph. 继而读下面的每一段落的首句。
- However, if only device appearance is changed, with the consent of CB, the reapplication for certification is exempted. 但仅外观(如颜色等)变更,型号、射频性能不变时,经原验证机关(构)同意者,不在此限。
- Should people read only those books that deal with real matters? 人们应该只读那些描写真人真事的书籍吗?
- That is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention. 换言之,有些书只需择其部分去阅读,有些书不需细读,而有少数的书则需全读,而且专心细读。
- There are ten chapters in this book.I've read only the first one. 这本书有十章。我只读了第一章。