- She has a ready tongue. 她口齿伶俐。
- He is a man of ready tongue. 他有敏捷的口才。
- That woman has the most viperine tongue! 那个女人有最恶毒的舌头!
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- Next time don't loll out your tongue out. 下次可别伸出舌头来嘲笑人了。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- That woman has a very sharp tongue. 那个女人说话非常尖刻。
- Now they are ready for the steeple chase. 现在他们已准备好进行障碍赛跑。
- I am ready to plump for the plan provided it works. 要是这个计划行得通,我准备大力支持它。
- He had a slip of tongue by chance. 他偶然说走嘴。
- A tiger was getting ready to jump on him. 有一只老虎即将向他扑去。
- The tongue is one of the vocals. 舌头是发声器官之一。
- Are you men ready? We go into action at midnight. 战士们,你们准备好了吗?我们半夜按计开始行动。
- He had a slip of tongue by accident. 他偶然说走嘴。
- It may be a matter of months before it's ready. 要准备好可能得数月时间。
- He made the remark tongue in cheek. 他说这话是闹着玩的。
- All of Europe are ready to say amen to that. 整个欧洲对此都愿意表示赞成。
- Tell him to put a bridle on his tongue. 告诉他说话要谨慎。
- The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition. 该出版社准备出一本大部头新版本。
- Let the enemy do his worst; we are ready for him. 让敌人肆意逞凶吧,我们严阵以待。