- I prefer to wear clothes made of natural fibers. 我更喜欢穿天然纤维织成的衣服。
- The ready to wear trade have suffer from foreign competition. 成衣贸易因国外竞争而蒙受损害。
- Bill likes to wear clothes loose andas comfortable as an old shoe. 比尔喜欢穿宽松的衣服,因为这些衣服穿起来很舒服的。
- Now, with air-conditioning, not to wear clothes on the cold. 现在有了空调,起来穿衣服就不会感冒了。
- We have to wear woolen clothes in the cold winter. 寒冷的冬天,我们不得不穿毛织品。
- Also, when the diver goes deeper, the water presses down on him.So the diver has to wear clothes made of metal. 还有,当潜水员潜到更深时,水压很大,所以潜水员必须穿上金属的衣服。
- CHAINMAIL COIF, ready to wear chainmail coif (head piece), made of galvinized steel won't rust, easy to keepup. Perfect for any knight at heart. 随时可以穿戴!商品为头部部分;不含胸甲;若需胸甲;请另行通知商城客服.;胸甲需加价850元
- It's to be a follower of fashion. If you wear clothes that don't suit you you're a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. 那应该是“做一个时尚的跟风者”。假如你穿了不适合自己的衣服,那你就只是个时尚的奴隶。你必须要选择那些让你看起来更美的衣服。
- The equipment is lashed up and ready to go. 设备已捆扎好,准备启运。
- It's to be a follower of fashion. If you wear clothes that don't suit you, you're a fashion victim. You have to wear clothes that make you look better. 那应该是“做一个时尚的跟风者”。如果你穿了不适合自己的衣服,那你就只是个时尚的奴隶。你必须要选择那些让你看起来更美的衣服。
- The shack seemed almost ready to collapse. 那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。
- As Mark Jacobs put it: "If it's smart enough to wear clothes, then it's probably got pockets &you'll need to Scavenge, no clothes means no pockets &then you'll need to Butcher. 当然啦 ,你也可以透过洗劫技能获得种子。一开始的时候 ,你会有一个类似培养皿的东西来种植, 最多有四个。
- I am ready to plump for the plan provided it works. 要是这个计划行得通,我准备大力支持它。
- A tiger was getting ready to jump on him. 有一只老虎即将向他扑去。
- Third, there is not to give your baby to wear clothes buttons, hard buttons would Luo injured baby's skin, may have to allow your baby's mouth caused by asphyxiation breath. 第三,不要给宝宝穿有纽扣的衣服,硬扣子会硌伤宝宝的皮肤,还有可能让宝宝吸到嘴里造成窒息。
- All of Europe are ready to say amen to that. 整个欧洲对此都愿意表示赞成。
- The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition. 该出版社准备出一本大部头新版本。
- It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas. 穿上粉红色睡衣是我一时的奇想。
- Everyone should wear clothes uniform with these. 大家都该穿着兴这些相同的衣服。
- He packed up and was ready to go. 他整理好行装准备出发。