- It is not an expression of the float or real data types. 表达式的数据类型不是float或real。
- Reading ECU: This button is reading what ECU storage real data. 读取中所存储的真正的数据。
- It does not use a float or real data type in its definition. 表达式定义中没有使用float或real数据类型。
- It is always preferable to use real data for test purposes whenever available. 只要可以得到,用实际数据来进行测试总是更可取一些。
- A value indicating whether the data returned is sample data or real data. 一个值,它指示返回的数据是示例数据还是真实数据。
- Motion compensation is based on measurment instrument or the SAR real data. 机载SAR的运动补偿可分为基于仪表测量的运动补偿和基于SAR数据的运动补偿。
- The compressibility of the real data in the database depends both on the data itself and on the tape drives used. 数据库内实数据的可压缩性取决于数据本身和所使用的磁带机。
- For a physical disk to be on this list, it must host real data for the database. 若要让物理磁盘在此列表中列出,它必须驻留数据库的真实数据。
- For an example that uses real data, see the Walkthrough: Creating an Occasionally Connected Application topic. 有关使用实际数据的示例,请参见演练:创建偶尔连接的应用程序主题。
- However, the Data View still displays more than five records when displaying real data. 但是,在显示实际数据时,该数据视图仍将显示超过五条记录。
- If there is no real data to work with, in many cases it is possible to generate enough hypothetical data. 如果没有可用的实际数据,那么在许多情况下,也可以生成足够的假想数据。
- Format files represent real data as the SQLFLT4 data type and float data as the SQLFLT8 data type. 格式化文件表示real数据作为SQLFLT4数据类型,以及float数据作为SQLFLT8数据类型。
- This means that you can actually start test-driving real data and real systems for your pilot projects. 这意味着您实际上可以开始测试您的试验项目的真实数据和真实系统。
- Comparing with the real data, forecasting is of low absolute deviation so model is ideal and acceptable. 将预测值与当年的真实值进行比对表明,预测效果良好。
- After many simulations, using real data to vary arrival and departure times, each plane learned how to avoid an intolerable wait on the tarmac. 在进行了许多次的模拟之后,他们使用了真实的数据进行了测试,如使用各种飞机到达时间与起飞时间,在这次的试验中,飞机学会了如何在停机坪避免难耐的等待。
- The WLS estimate is theoretically developed and numerically compared with least-square estimate on a set of real data. 本文提出WLS估计的理论推导,根据一组真实数据,进行数值上的测试,并与LS估计进行比较。
- The predicted data by the binominal regression model is the closest one to the real data. 利用这些特征能够准确地测定籽粒含水量,其中二项式回归模型最接近实测值。
- This paper uses real data in RMB NDF market to analyze this effect with event-study method. 人民币NDF数据是反映人民币升值压力的一个重要指标。
- Experimental results using outfield real data demonstrate the validity of the proposed learning algorithm. 基于外场实测数据的实验证明了该文方法的有效性。
- A simple test will show if this is real gold. 简单的试验就能证明这是否是真金。