- The real estate business is thriving. 房地产生意兴隆。
- He is concerned in the real estate business. 他做房地产生意。
- He is concerned with the real estate business. 他与房地产事业有关系。
- The real estate business by a bank credit department consolidates. 此项业务可由一个银行的房地产信贷部统一办理。
- He was in the real estate business and kept a suite at the Edgewater Beach Hotel. 他经营房地产生意,在滨水旅馆有一套房子。
- Coincided with an upsurge of real estate development, primarily in the real estate business. 期间正好赶上房地产发展的高潮,所以现在主要的业务范围是在地产业。
- Define a sustainable and profitable performance in regards to the real estate business. 给房地产业持续的可盈利的业绩下定义。
- However, some of the real estate business sales, the only other developers to follow or cause a domino effect. 不过,当部分地产商减价促销,其他发展商唯有跟随或造成骨牌效应。
- Nobody in the family is more dedicated to operating the real estate business than Judy. 在这个家庭里,没有人比朱蒂更能致力于经营房地产生意。
- Over the past few years, China's domestic real estate business environment has undergone significant changes. 过去几年来,中国房地产企业的国内生存环境已经发生了重大变化。
- Chinese people like to "overkill" in the real estate business, how you look at this momentum. 中国人喜欢“矫枉过正”,对于房地产商来说,你怎样看待这一势头。
- Needs to be compressed in poor circumstances, the real estate business is not "rich widows" can we do? 在穷人需求被压缩的情况下,房地产商不“为富人盖房”还能怎么办?
- Hutchison Whampoa's in the real estate business in the Mainland expansion, the money is a horrifying interpretation. 和记黄埔属下之地产业务近年在内地的扩张,无疑是一场令人咋舌的大手笔演绎。
- State-owned real estate business long-term agreement customary land, the allocation of land will become history. 国有房地产企业长期习惯的协议土地、划拨土地将成为历史。
- Mr.Lei, Croker good to the real estate business and business integration, and achieved great success on the cause. 雷?克罗克先生很好的把商业经营与地产经营融合在一起,取得了事业上的巨大成就。
- This achievement did not seem to allow Member meet his Chun-ho began feeling a luxury real estate business. 如此成就似乎并不能让朱树豪满足,他的骏豪地产又开始盘算起豪宅的生意。
- At the news of the interviews, the real estate business can be used "complex feelings" two words to sum it up. 在记者的采访过程中,房地产商可以用“心情复杂”四个字来概括。
- In CRC home, the real estate business core technology, if we say it yes, I am here in the core technology. 在华润置地,对地产业务核心的技术,如果我们讲它有的话,核心的技术在我这儿。
- A successful industrialist, Mr. Li Weibo is engaged in the industrial construction and real estate business in Shenzhen and South China for many years. 李伟波先生是卓有成就的实业家,于深圳及华南地区从事工业及房地产发展。
- We has a solid professional, passionate professional team, which engaged in real estate business for more than three years accounted for 63%. 公司拥有一只踏实敬业、充满激情的专业团队,其中从事三年以上房地产业务经验的占63%25。