- reality affair of management 管理实务
- A trustee is a member of managing business affairs of an institution. 理事是机构管理班子中的成员。
- Her hat was an amazing affair of ribbons and feathers. 她那顶帽子是个有丝带和羽毛的绝妙物件。
- Her hat is an amazing affair of ribbon and feather. 她那顶帽子是个有丝带和羽毛的绝妙物件。
- It was the first big affair of the autumn. 这是当年秋天的第一件大事。
- The banker administered the affair of the bank. 银行家掌管行务。
- He introduced better methods of management in this company. 他为本公司引进了更好的管理方法。
- It is an affair of the first magnitude. 这是头等重要的事情。
- It was all an affair of education. 这完全是一件训练的事。
- The banker administered the affair of the bank . 银行家掌管行务。
- They made a whole set of management methods. 他们制定了一整套的管理方法。
- A list of the do's and don'ts of management. 列出能做和不能做的管理条例
- This is true of management as well as of workers. 很多管理人员和工人都是这种情况。
- The premier deals with important affairs of state. 总理处理国家重要事务。
- You'd better not mess in the affairs of others. 你最好不要干涉他人的事情。
- He listed four new duties of management. 他列举了管理部门的四条新职责。
- Do not meddle in the internal affair of other countries. 不要干涉其它国家的内政。
- Taught at the Sloan School of Management, MIT. 曾任教于麻省理工斯隆管理学院。
- It is a principle of the Chinese Constitution and the basic program of managing state affairs of the Chinese government to run the country according to law. 依法治国是中国的一项宪法原则,是中国政府的基本治国方略。
- Management of foreign affairs of the group. 集团公司外事管理。