- One is approved of social stat of lacking learning , the other is inflexible in policy research with traditional education. The combination of really question and ology is not accomplished. 满足 于统计分析的表面科学的社会化研究掩饰不住内匮的学理和问题关怀,执着于“宏大叙事”下的思想教育引导指向 了大量粗糙的政策研究,青年研究的“问题意识”与“学问意识”相结合的求真之路仍然漫长。
- One is approved of social stat of lacking learning, the other is inflexible in policy research with traditional education.The combination of really question and ology is not accomplished. 满足于统计分析的表面科学的社会化研究掩饰不住内匮的学理和问题关怀,执著于“宏大叙事”下的思想教育引导指向了大量粗糙的政策研究,青年研究的“问题意识”与“学问意识”相结合的求真之路仍然漫长。
- I never really questioned what it meant.I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker "fore you popped a cap in his ass. 我从没有想过其中的涵义,我仅仅把它当作一段对将要被我杀的混蛋的冷血宣言。
- I never really questioned what it meant.I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. 而且我也从没去想过它到底是什么意思,我以为它只是在杀掉那些杂种之前一些冷血的宣言。
- Most people live their lives chasing paychecks, pay raises and job security because of the emotions of desire and fear, not really questioning where those emotion-driven thoughts are leading them. 因为害怕或贪婪,大多数人生活在挣工资、加薪、劳动保护之中,而不问这种感情支配思想的生活之路通向哪里。
- That new barman at the club really turns me on. 俱乐部那位新来的酒吧男招待员真让我有兴趣。
- Most people live their lives chasing paychecks,pay raises and job security because of the emotions of desire and fear,not really questioning where those emotion-driven thoughts are leading them. 因为害怕或贪婪,大多数人生活在挣工资、加薪、劳动保护之中,而不问这种感情支配思想的生活之路通向哪里。
- He's really wallow in the praise of his new book. 他简直沈醉于别人对他新书的赞美中。
- It's Bill's wife who really rules the roost in that family. 在比尔家里,真正当家的是她的老婆。
- That precious child of hers is really a holy terror. 她那个宝贝孩子真是调皮得要命。
- The new folk song caught on really quickly. 这首新民歌流行得真快。
- A flood of this sort is really unprecedented. 这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
- We got really tanked up on whisky and beer. 我们喝威士忌和啤酒喝醉了。
- Seth really took it hard when his old dog died. 塞思的那条老狗死的时候,他确实怏怏不乐。
- I really wanted to slap her during the meeting. 在开会的时候我真想赏她一巴掌。
- This car really comes into its own on rough ground. 这辆汽车在颠簸的路上才真正显示出它独特的性能。
- These pancakes made by my mother are really tasty. 我妈妈做的这些煎饼非常好吃。
- Do you really care nothing about your future? 你真的一点也不关心你的将来?
- The monitor is really a notch above us. 班长确实比我们略胜一筹。
- The weather has really fouled up my holiday plans. 我的假日安排因天气关系已全部打乱了。