- Trust me, the game is really worth playing. 相信我,这游戏确实值得一玩。
- Trust me! The game is really worth playing. 相信我!这游戏确实值得一玩。
- Hey, unrivaled, I really worth to you ah. 哎,无双,我真为你不值啊。
- Such work is really worth doing. 这样的工作不是很值得干吗?
- This episode is really worth watching. 这一集真是太值得一看了。
- How much are the assets really worth? 这些资产究竟价值多少?
- There must be something really worth seeing. 那里一定有一些东西值得看。
- Are rare gems really worth it then? 稀有宝石是否真的如此有价值?
- When you give it to someone who's really worth it. 尤其是当你把这份爱交给了那位值得付出的人。
- It was the beautiful spring morning that made me feel life was really worth living. 正是那个春天美好的早晨使我觉得生活的确是美好的。
- For is it really worth it As my life lies at the brink? 难道使我的生命滨临在危险边缘是有价值的吗?
- Sometimes you may even wonder if the struggle is really worth it. 有时,你甚至不知道是否值得拼搏。
- What we saw on London Eye was also really worth seeing. 从伦敦眼看到的景象的确值得一见。
- The time-honored brand is really worth of its quality. 品质见证品牌.
- The gallery's art collection is really worth seeing. 展览馆的艺术品着实可观。
- Brian: You should go to Mt. Pinatubo, it's really worth a visit. 布莱恩:那你该去平纳士波山,那儿真的值得一游。
- It's really worth seeing. 这确实值得一看。
- To someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose the best. 所以,花点时间去选择最好的他。
- If we can reduce desires, there is nothing really worth getting upset about. 人生若能减低欲望,生活上便没有什么值得计较!
- As a professional basketball player, his performance is really worth noting. 作为一个职业篮球手,他的表现真是太糟糕了。