- You must submit your claim within a reasonable time. 你必须在适当的时间内提出要求。
- The obligee does not require performance within a reasonable time. 债权人在合理期限内未要求履行。
- I know we'd have to beat our brains out to get it done in reasonable time. 我知道我们必须绞尽脑汁以便在合理的时间内完成这件工作。
- If no time is stated, the offer lapses at the end of a reasonable time. 如果在时间上没有声明,要约便在合理期限失效。
- We rolled into Sheridan at a reasonable time and decided to stop for the day. 我们开进谢尔丹在合理的时间,并决定停止的一天。
- Spaceships must attain tremendous speeds to reach these planets in a reasonable time. 宇宙飞船必须获得极大的速度才能在一定的时间里抵达这些行星。
- Set reasonable time limits for chores,but remember that attention spans vary by age and job. 对家务活规定一个合理的时间,但请记住:注意力集中的时间长短因年龄和所干活儿的不同而不同。
- The Authority shall make the register available for public inspection at its principal office at any reasonable time. 市建局须将登记册放置在其主要办事处内,供公众人士在任何合理时间查阅。
- The choice of pumping system depends on required pumping speed, ultimate pressure attainable(in a reasonable time). 泵系统的选择取决于所需要的抽速,能达到的极限压强(在适当的时间内)。
- Firm bid rule Principle that a bid is irrevocable for a reasonable time after bid opening. 递实盘规则即在开标后的合理时间内实盘不可撤消原则。
- If the uniform is found unfit or has defects but is not used, it can in a reasonable time be renewed. 但制服未经穿著使用,在合理时间内,是可以更换的。
- Set reasonable time limits for chores, but remember that attention spans vary by age and job. 对家务活规定一个合理的时间,但请记住:注意力集中的时间长短因年龄和所干活儿的不同而不同。
- If the valve does not confirm open in a reasonable time,steam is established to the oil pipe. 如果阀门在一定时间内无法确认是否打开,可以向油管内输送蒸汽。
- The reasonable time of soaring and bolstering up is the most important factor of deciding the rhythm among railings. 合理的腾空时间与支撑的时间是决定栏间跑节奏的首要因素。
- An action is taken "seasonably" when it is taken at or within the time agreed or, if no time is agreed, at or within a reasonable time. 时间;合理时间;“合时地”采取任何行为是合时地,若其在约定时间或约定时间内采取或在没有约定时间的情况下,则在合理时间或合理时间内采取。
- The question is: How can you offer management a reasonable time frame in which you will have rid the system of known bottlenecks? 问题是:如何管理一个合理的时间框架,使系统摆脱已知的瓶颈?
- Use the vision document to determine what must be accomplished within a reasonable time frame and within organizational and management constraints. 使用前景文档确定在合理的时间框架和组织及管理约束条件内必须完成的事情。
- THALES Communications shall make good within a reasonable time the non conformities and submit the corrected Equipment to acceptance as per the above mentioned procedure. 泰雷兹通信公司应在一段合理的时间内弥补不足之处,并将修正过的设备按照上述程序提交验收。
- The third party has a reasonable time in which to decide whether he will hold the principal or the agent responsible in the transaction. 第三人有一段合理的时间来决定他是让本人还是让代理人在交易中承担。
- If labor has not begun within a reasonable time after rupture of membranes induction with oxytocin (Pitocin) is appropriate. 若破膜后产程未在适当时间开始,可给予缩宫素引产。