- Receive help and advice on a broad range of Porsche topics. 收到有关保时捷广泛主题的帮助和建议。
- Receive help with gratitude. Face changes with a fresh attitude. 怀着感激的心情接受他人的帮助,带着新鲜的态度面对生活的变化。
- I need flute etude of Kohler Op. 75, hope to receive help, thanks a lot! 我需要柯勒长笛练习曲作品75,希望得到帮助,多谢!
- A school hosting a free TeamSpeak server that allows students to receive help with homework for their classes online. 作为学校本身为了让学生们通过在线方式得到课堂作业帮助的。
- All of us, at certain moments of our lives, need to take advice and receive help from other people. 我们所有的人在一生中都有需要接受别人忠告和帮助的时候。
- All of us,at certain moments of our lives,need to take advice and receive help from other people. 我们所有的人在人生某些时刻,都需要接受别人的忠告和帮助。--卡雷尔--
- If you are a child under the age of 18, you always have the right to receive help from the social welfare services if you can't manage. 假如你未满18岁又生活有困难,你就有权力从社会福利局得到帮助。
- Therefore in order to the insurance, continual two refurbishing should receive help the registration website time-gap should above 35 seconds. 请准备报名的同学在报名之前即在招商银行和工商银行开通支付业务,以避免带来不必要的麻烦。
- Did you receive help completing this form. If yes, provide person's name, his address, migration agent registration number. Were you charged a fee for this help? 在填写申请表格过程中,是否得到了有关人士的帮助,如果是,请提供帮助者的姓名、地址、移民代理号是否收费?
- A week after an earthquake devastated the city of Padang and surrounding areas on the Indonesian island of Sumatra , some remote villages had still to receive help. 地震重创印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛上巴东市和附近地区后一个星期,一些遥远村庄仍在等待救援。
- Wherever it is possible, he tries to help. 只要有可能,他总是设法帮忙。
- Your children will also receive help from XYZ Assistance Service,a service provided exclusively for your benefit. This is especially useful when they are travelling abroad and need emergency help. 您的子女可获得XYZ国际支援服务,这项服务在他们外出旅游,需要紧急援助的时候非常有用。
- I'll do everything possible to help you. 我会尽一切可能帮助你。
- And have received help in its ability to aid will be more after the "before their own. 而曾经得到过帮助的人,在其有能力之后也会去援助更多的“以前的自己”。
- Along the way, she receives help from Joe (Dan Futterman), a friend and old flame from college. 绝望的她在这时候幸得旧同事珍妮的协助,在美国的另一端重新开始一段新生活。
- Dublin is not the only ecclesia which has received help from brothers and sisters from abroad. 都柏林不是得到海外弟兄姐妹帮助的惟一教会。
- They received help along the way thanks to the infamous lop-sided trade that brought Pau Gasol to L. 他们通过那个“丑恶的,不平衡的”交易将加索尔弄到洛杉矶。
- By today's standards, this young mother received help from a source of strength that was old-fashioned and outmoded . 以今天的眼光来看,这个年轻母亲得到的帮助,是来自一种既古老又过时的方法。
- I receive a letter from her in her neat script. 我收到她的字体很工整的来信。
- The doctor gave him a sedative to help him sleep. 医生给了他镇静剂帮助他入睡。