- recent eight months 最近八个月
- The fire undid the work of eight months. 这场火灾使8个月干的活儿全白干了。
- Eight months later a recession arrived. 可是,8个月后就出现了衰退。
- Vernon would only serve eight months. 弗农只会八个月。
- The insurrectionists held out for eight months. 起义军坚持了8个月。
- The Japanese occupation lasted for three years and eight months. 日本占领香港共3年8个月。
- Ms. Murray: Uh... Yeah, I did. I moved back about eight months ago. 玛雷:唔...是的,我从前住在那里。大约在八个月前,我才搬回来的。
- Ariane Kerner: You were in a coma. Eight months ago. 艾里安尼·肯纳:你一直处于昏迷之中。在过去的八个月里。
- Herbert himself had come of age eight months before me. 赫伯尔特比我早八个月成年。
- Eight months later, she was not a small baby any more. 她不再是一个小熊猫了。
- Eight months passed, and I never contacted those people again. 就这样八个月过去了,我不曾再跟那些人联络。
- Jack has been enrolled in the army for eight months. 杰克入伍八个月了。
- Methods A clinical analysis was conducted in 78 inpatients with caseous lobar pneumonia in the recent eight years. 方法对我院近8年来收治的78例大叶性干酪性肺炎进行回顾分析。
- Many Singaporeans will say "three years and eight months". 很多新加坡人的问答是三年八个月。
- The Arctic becomes a nearly sunless land for eight months. 接下来的八个月,北极地区将成为一片几乎不见天日的黑暗大地。
- In the recent eight years, enterclassroom not most convenient her instead not to lack a hall class,this in the schoolmate the biography is a myth. 近八年来,进课堂最不方便的她反而没有缺过一堂课,这在同学中传为一个神话。
- Eight months ago I gave birth to our gorgeous baby daughter. 8个月前,我生下了我们可爱的宝贝女儿。
- The appellant will be release on licence after eight month . 8个月后上诉人被特许出狱。
- Ch’en Shui-pian is a politician who well meets the US demands for separation of Taiwan, and actually Ch’en and his separatist party made every effort in the recent eight years. 陈水扁是非常符合分离台湾的美国要求的政治家,而且,陈和他的分离主义政党,在过去的八年中,为分离台湾做出过各种努力。
- I can testify to this commitment from my experience over the past eight months. 我过去八个月的经验,足可印证这项承诺。