- recirculafion and reuse 回收再利用
- To fix and mend and reuse again. 把它们修理再接着用。
- You can access and reuse boilerplate building blocks at any time. 您可以随时访问和重新使用构建基块。
- Attention should be given to recovery and reuse of chemicals. 应当注意回收和回用化学品。
- Chapter 5, case retrieval and reuse for MSMT are studied. 第五章研究了多工位机床事例的检索与重用方法。
- Reinitialize and reuse objects to avoid new object construction. 重复初始化和重复使用对象以避免创建新的对象。
- Metal scrap can be melted down and reused. 废旧金属可以熔化后再使用。
- Those empty tins are then melted down and reused. 空罐经过熔炼后,还可重新利用。
- Extractant can be recovered and reused. 萃取剂可以回收和循环使用。
- Your recipient list is one of the resources to keep, refine, and reuse. 您的收件人列表是要保留、优化和重用的资源之一。
- So it is economical to repair the crack of the cavity cover and reuse it. 对受损缸盖进行修复再利用是极其具有经济意义的。
- Above technologies can realize the waste water sludge reclamation and reuse. 利用上述技术可实现污水污泥处理的资源化。
- Low-density polyethylene Astro-Foam Renew is lint-free, easy-to-use and reuse. 低密度聚乙烯天文泡沫续订是皮棉免费,易于使用和再利用。
- Recently the recycle and reuse of waste plastic is very important as resource. 塑料的回收利用是近些年来再生资源研究的一个非常重要的方向。
- In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything. 我们要是能回收并再利用所有的东西就再理想不过了。
- This is a clipboard viewer procedures used to study and reuse are good. 这是一个剪贴板查看器的程序,用来学习和复用都很好。
- This arithmetic has high commonality and reusability. 该算法可作为独立的函数存放在pb公共类库中;方便地应用到系统的其他功能模块;具有很高的通用性和可重用性.
- Luckily, this special case code can be encapsulated and reused. 幸运的是,这种特殊代码可以封装并重用。
- As a result of air compresses the heat can be recycled and reused. 因空气压缩所产生的热量可以回收和重复使用。
- Xerox will also make the Gyricon interactive,so a user could write on it and reuse it. 施乐也将使Gyricon具有交互功能,因而用户能在它上面写字和反复使用。