- reclaimed water price 再生水价格
- But there is no plan for replacing drinking water by reclaimed water. 但你可以放心,现时没有计划利用再造水来代替食水。
- And in line with experience around the world, reclaimed water could be used here in the following ways. 参考世界其他地方的经验,再造水可以用于以下用途
- Donation, tax, fund and higher water price are the possible payment choices. 南京市居民偏爱的支付方式依次为捐款、交税、存取基金方式及提高水价,水价上涨并不是面向公众筹集长江水质改善资金的唯一有效方式。
- A final way in which we can reduce the wastage of fresh water is to use reclaimed water. 除了上述各种方法,使用再造水亦可有效减少浪费淡水。
- It was confirmed that the reclaimed water can be used for the effective purification of tenter frame exha... 用循环水对染整定型机废气喷淋洗涤,在一定时间内有较高的净化效率,并且可以降低水的消耗量,同时有效减少二次污染的产生。
- Reclaimed water reuse is an important approach to solve the water shortage crisis for water deficient city. 中水回用技术是解决当前某些缺水城市水资源危机的重要途径。
- Using reclaimed water showed slightly worse performances on retention and drainage than using fresh water. 化学耗氧量、浊度、阳离子需求量等参数,中水组比清水组略高;
- The two schemes combined will provide valuable information on how reclaimed water can be used in other parts of Hong Kong. 以上两项试验计划将会提供宝贵的资料,让我们探讨如何在香港其他地区使用再造水。
- Under the critical condition,reliability of reclaimed water quantity was analyzed perfectly in timescale of perday,month and year,respectively. 在分析海拉尔区现状城市污水量、污水处理量的基础上,预测了该区2007年水平年城市污水量、污水处理量和再生水量。
- This model is expected to reduce the economic aftereffect of water price increases to a minimum. 水资源总体经济模组用于水价调整政策,可获得影响国家经济最小的决策方案;
- A pilot scale test was conducted to examine the performance of the reclaimed water for the treatment of tenter frame exhaust. 针对染整定型机废气具有较高的温度和湿度的特点,采用湿式净化技术处理该废气,并通过水洗试验装置对湿式净化效果进行了初步研究。
- Disinfection is an important step to guarantee the safety of the reclaimed water, and chlorine disinfection is the most common method. 消毒是保证污水再生利用水质安全的必要措施,氯消毒是最常用的消毒方法。
- This paper mainly on the issue of using reclaimed water were analyzed,and made a number of recommendations for improvement. 再生水是指城市或生活污水经化学处理后达到一定水质标准并可重复使用的非饮用水资源。
- It is good for using them as references,such as the water price and manage model of water charge in Japan,the blue print of three-grade water pric... 日本的水价和水费管理模式以及上海最新提出的三级梯度水价规划方案值得借鉴与参考。
- The domestic and international assessment methods and cases about the health risk of enteric viruses in reuse of reclaimed water were summarized. 介绍了国内外对再生水利用中肠道病毒健康风险的评价方法和案例。
- In this paper, a model is founded for appraising the risk and return on investment based on water price model and the risk is assessed. 在供水定价模型的基础上,建立了投资收益和风险评价模型,并对投资风险进行了估计。
- Reclaimed water of municipal sewage is receiving more and more attention as a new reliable water resource of water supply for the city. 摘要城市污水再生水作为城市供水的一种新的可靠水源正在受到人们的日益关注。
- And it will prove maneuverability on formulating standards of water price analyzing case and comparing different water supplement goals. 通过案例分析,本文结合不同供水目标的分类比较和分析,论证了水价制定标准的实际可操作性。
- To evaluate the health risk of wastewater reuse, risk assessment technique has became the key to guaranteeing the safety of reclaimed water. 利用风险评价技术对回用水的健康风险进行评估成为保证安全回用的关键。