- Reclamation work is progressing. 填海工程现正进行。
- Reclamation work continues to be fruitful and is evolving. 改良工作不断的获得成果并且其自身也在不断完善。
- Reclamation works for the industrial estate began in September 1995. 第四个工业区的填海工程已于一九九五年九月展开。
- In the past few weeks, there have been heated debates on the harbour reclamation works. 过去几个星期,海港填海工程在社会上引起热烈讨论。
- The reclamation works under CRIII will affect several groups of cooling water pumping stations CWPS. 中区填海第三期工程会影响多组抽水站。
- We will continue to suspend the scheduled marine piling and reclamation works until the legal proceedings have taken their course. 在有关诉讼未有结果之前,政府会继续暂停该工程的海事打桩和填海工程。
- The judge ruled that on the balance of convenience in the wider public interest, the reclamation works should be allowed to continue. 法官认为在衡量广大公众利益的前提下,裁定容许中区填海计划的填海工程继续进行。
- The main purpose of the reclamation works is to provide land for a new trunk road - the Central-Wanchai Bypass and other related road systems. 填海是为取得所需土地,兴建一条主干路,即中环至湾仔绕道,以及相关的道路系统。
- The temporary barging point should be built by floating pontoon and no dredging or reclamation work is allowed. 临时碇泊处须为漂浮式,兴建工序则不可包括挖泥或填海。
- Moreover, the Government has already conducted an environmental impact assessment which concluded that the environment would not be harmed by the reclamation works. 此外,政府已进行环境影响评估,证明有关工程不会影响环境。
- The judge accepted that continuance of the reclamation works pending the outcome of the judicial review proceedings would not cause irreparable damage to the harbour. 法官亦接受,在等候司法覆核结果期间,继续进行有关工程,并不会对海港造成不可修复还原的损害。
- The reclamation work was completed in 1997. The housing estates of Oi Tung Estate,Tung Yuk Court and Aldrich Garden were completed in late 2000/early 2001. 填海工程于一九九七年完成,区内的爱东、东旭苑和爱蝶湾已在二零零零年年底/二零零一年年初落成。
- The reclamation work was completed in 1997. The housing estates of Oi Tung Estate, Tung Yuk Court and Aldrich Garden were completed in late 2000/early 2001. 填海工程于一九九七年完成,区内的爱东、东旭苑和爱蝶湾已在二零零零年年底/二零零一年年初落成。
- With the rapid development of economy and society in Shanghai, the problem of land resource short is outstanding day by day.Tideland reclamation works is the key to solve this problem from now on. 随着上海经济和社会的飞速发展,土地资源短缺的矛盾日益突出,岸滩圈围造地工程是上海目前和今后解决这一矛盾的根本出路所在。
- We should encourage reclamation and recycling. 我们应当鼓励废物的回收和利用。
- One can not learn a language well unless one works hard. 学好一种语言非下苦功不可。
- The author's fingerprint is quite obvious in all of his works. 作者的特色在他所有的作品中都很明显。
- The system works on the principle that heat rises. 该项装置是按照热力上升的原理运转的。
- Reclamation Works for the Future Widened Castle Peak Road 为将来扩阔青山公路的填海工程
- You can gain by watching how she works. 看她怎样工作就可获益。