- recording electrical meter 记录电表
- This paper is finished based upon a part of the project ,which is the design of Delta-Sigma ADC in a high precision electrical meter chip . 本论文主要基于“一种高精度脉冲输出的电能计量集成电路”项目中关于Delta-Sigma模数转换器的设计部分,论文中在对Delta-Sigma模数转换器原理进行深入理解的基础上,提出了一种高精度Delta-Sigma模数转换器的解决方案,并运用于以上项目中取得很好的效果。
- A man came one hour ago to read the electricity meter. 一小时前有个人过来查了电表。
- The Electrogastrography (EGG) is the procedure of recording electrical activity from the stomach by means of cutaneous electrodes attached to the epigastric skin. 摘 要 胃肠动力紊乱是临床上常见的一种功能性疾病。胃电图是一种在体表对胃的电活动信号加以记录的方法,是临床上于对胃肠动力紊乱诊断的理想方法。
- Normally, men who are not wearing a tie are not admitted to the club, but as you've only come to read the electricity meter that's a horse of a different colour. 一般而言,不戴领带的男子是不让进俱乐部的,不过因为你只是来抄电表的,那就完全是另一回事了。
- The electric meter had the seal broken and was put in the way it is now. 电表的封印打开了,表就象现在这样放着。
- An even more ingenious power thief had penetrated the heart of his electric meter. 一个更加巧妙的偷电贼把他的电表的中心给穿通了。
- At home, the smokers spent a night hooked up to an EEG (electroencephalogram) machine that recorded electrical activity in their brain during sleep. 那些吸菸者在家整晚挂著EEG(脑电图)机器,这种机器记录下睡眠期间的大脑电波活动;
- Shanghai Jinling Intelligent Electric Meter Co., Ltd was formerly called Shanghai Electricity Meter Works. 上海金陵智能电表有限公司以前称为上海电度表厂。
- Each electric meter and customer of RF card were managed by host computer through network. 管理主机通过网络对各电度表及射频卡用户进行用电管理。
- Their invention was an electricity meter controlled by signals from the power company. 他们的发明就是一种由电力公司信号控制的电表。
- He broke the record for the one-hundred meter dash. 他打破了百米赛跑纪录。
- A multiuser electric meter with prepay in IC card based on the ST62T32B singlechip is introduced in this paper. 介绍了一种基于ST62T32B单片机的多用户IC卡预付费电表的研制,阐明了工作原理和关键技术,给出了硬件、软件的结构。
- All the buildings in this housing estate have been installed with a card electricity meter. 这个小区全部装上了卡式电表。
- Methods 16 pediatric cochlear implant recipients have been recorded electrical evoked compound action potential (ECAP) of auditory nerve via the neural response telemetry (NRT) technique. 方法对16例小儿耳蜗植入者,多次应用神经反应遥测技术测试耳蜗植入后的听神经电诱发复合动作电位(ECAP),将其阈值与映射调图中行为测试所得的T值作线性回归分析。
- Meter rent [electricity] The income received from electricity metering. 电力计量费[电力]指电力计量费收入。
- Its has an annual output of 500 sets of electrical forklifts,500 sets of testing devices for electrical meters and 200 sets of wire leading machines. 系列程控电表校验装置年产500台生产能力;系列自动电接导丝机年产200台生产能力。
- There must be something wrong with my electricity meter because last month I wasn't home at all and still got a bill for $230. 我的电表肯定是出了问题,上个月我根本不在家却收到了230美金的帐单。
- Normally,men who are not wearing a tie are not admitted to the club,but as you've only come to read the electricity meter that's a horse of a different colour. 一般而言,不戴领带的男子是不让进俱乐部的,不过因为你只是来抄电表的,那就完全是另一回事了。
- The BBC often plays a record to fill in. 英国广播公司经常在节目空档时播放唱片。