- Why should it depend for recovery on external demand? 其经济复苏为何要依赖于外部需求呢?
- A: The bayonet is quite an interesting technology that directly impacts on battlefield behaviour in units. 答:刺刀是一项相当有趣的技术,直接影响到战场上单位的行为。
- The bayonet is quite an interesting technology that directly impacts on battlefield behaviour in units. 答:刺刀是一项相当有趣的技术,直接影响到战场上单位的行为。
- This process is more complex than performing a dial tone recovery on a single server. 与在一台服务器上执行拨号音恢复相比,此过程比较复杂。
- First no extra handling is needed for journaling file sytems - you can simply do journal recovery on snapshot. 首先是无需额外处理日至文件系统--你可以快照上简单地实现日志恢复。
- Russia is a country with abundant natural gas resource with huge reserves and recovery on top of the world. 俄罗斯是一个天然气资源十分丰富的国家,其储量和产量都居目前世界首位。
- Medics on battlefields cannot just send a sample to a lab either. 战场上的军医也不可能将检体送到检验室。
- The men were captured on battlefields in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 这些人于阿富汗和巴基斯坦的战场被抓获。
- The system possessed FFI capability has been become one of basic function cells of digitized system on battlefield in 21 century. 具有敌我识别能力的系统,已成为21世纪战场数字化系统的基本功能单元之一。
- There are all skeletons on the battlefield. 战场上到处都是尸骨。
- I saw some bones bleaching on the battlefield. 我看见战场上一些泛白的尸骸。
- Implement system to effectively raise the Cost recovery on customers and the same is resolved. 建立系统,向客户有效索赔,并解决问题。
- Our nation's manhood died on the battlefield. 我国的男儿已战死疆场。
- He has been running in a sandpit to try to increase the rate of recovery on his foot, a treatment that is tough but rewarding. 他近来开始在沙坑上跑步,以提高他脚伤的复元速度。这个治疗虽然很严苛,不过却是值得的。
- Yet one effect could be to restrain Mr Brown's inclination and ability to build a political recovery on profligacy. 其后果之一可能是,他无法如愿通过慷慨的财政支出刺激经济来恢复其政治地位。
- Easy to use, it is the most common weapon on battlefields throughout Europe. 由于其便于使用,故而成为欧洲战场上常见兵器。
- Trying to perform point-in-time recovery on a log backup that contains bulk changes will cause the restore operation to fail. 试图对包含大容量更改的日志备份执行时点恢复将导致还原操作失败。
- This topic explains how to recover a failed database by performing a dial tone recovery on a single server running Exchange 2007. 本主题说明如何通过在一台运行Exchange 2007的服务器上执行拨号音恢复,来恢复故障数据库。
- Object: To investigate the effect of elastic recovery on the release of bupropion hydrochloride sustained-release tablets. 目的:考查盐酸安非他酮缓释片压片后强度的变化对释放度的影响。
- The experiment of static structural recovery on pre-sheared non-Newtonian crude oil has been performed by small amplitude oscillatory shear. 通过小振幅振荡剪切试验,对经历预剪切的非牛顿原油在静置条件下的结构恢复性进行了研究。