- rectangular chip resistor 矩形片式电阻
- The chip resistor paste production process and requiring by doing parallel experiment with JP pastes were reseached. 摘要通过与日本样进行对比试验,研究了片式电阻保护浆料的制备工艺及要求。
- Analysis of open circuit failure of chip resistors. 厚膜片状电阻器开路失效分析。
- Preparation of chip resistor protective paste 片式电阻保护浆料的制备
- Packaging Method of Thick Film Chip Resistor 三、厚膜片式电阻器的包装方式
- In the latter, he would often create geometric arrangements of colorful square and rectangular chips, using transparent and painted glass and mirrors. 在后者中,他常常会创造几何安排丰富多彩的方形和矩形芯片采用透明和彩绘玻璃和镜子。
- The Structure of Thick Film Chip Resistor 一、厚膜片式电阻器的结构
- He is a great guy, a chip off the old block. 他是一位好人,就像他父亲一样。
- Measurement system design of laser trimmer for chip resistor 片式电阻激光调阻机检测系统的设计
- The Precision Control During Chip Resistor Laser Trimming 片式电阻激光微调过程中的调阻精度控制
- Fracture mechanism of lead-free soldered joints of rectangular chip component 矩形片状元件无铅焊点断裂机制
- IOCE mainly sells Chip Resistors, Chip Capacitors, Chip Tantalum Capacitors, SMD Diodes, SMD Transistors, Chip Beads, Chip Inductors, IC and etc. 冰洋公司主要经销代理的产品有:贴片钽电容、贴片二三极管、贴片磁珠、贴片电感、贴片IC、贴片电阻、贴片电容、半导体等等。
- The chip resistors and chip capacitors on the PCB are not enough for test,if you have report about electronic Components,please offer to us. 问题:PCB板上的贴片电阻和贴片电容还是不够做测试。如果有这个灯泡里面电子元器件的报告,请提供给我们,谢谢!大家帮忙翻译下
- I put a rectangular box on the table. 我把一个长方形的盒子放在桌子上。
- Thick Film Chip Resistor Networks For Military Purpose 军用厚膜片式电阻网络
- The shares of their company are blue chip. 他们公司的值钱而又红利稳。
- A rectangular house of one story; a ranch house. 牧屋单层的长方形房屋; 牧屋
- Development of Chip Resistor And Capacitor High Speed Taping Machine 片式阻容元件高速编带机的开发与研制
- VoerSon was established in 2003 as a reliable supplier of importing and domestic electronic components, main products are:, Chip Resistors, Chip Capacitors, SMD Diodes, SMD Transistors MOSFET, ACS ,IC and etc. 沃尔森电子科技有限公司因应客户待料需求创建于2003年,是一家经营进口、国产品牌电子元器件的供应商,公司主营产品有:各种品牌与标准封装的电阻、电容、二三极管、场效应管、可控硅、集成电路(IC)等电子元器件。