- This envelope is made from recycled paper. 这信封是用再生纸制作的。
- This brochure is printed on recycled paper. 本小册系采用再生纸印制。
- The brochure was printed on 100 % recycled paper. 这本小册子是用100%25可回收纸张印刷的。
- Recycled paper: Paper made from pulps that consist mainly recycled fibres. 再造纸:用含有大量再造纤维的纸浆制成的纸。
- I gather up my polyunsaturated cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head with furrowed brow to the checkout counter. 于是,我拿起一桶多未饱和烹饪油和一捆再生纸巾,皱着眉头走向收款台。
- Government procurement of recycled paper stimulates recycling. 政府收购再生纸,可以促进回收利用。
- It may not seem like much, but research shows that one ton of recycled paper could save 17 pulpwood trees! 虽然看起来不多,可是研究显示回收一公吨纸得以保全17棵用来造纸的树木!
- The rich countries should try their best to use recycled paper to reduce the demand for wood. 富裕国家应尽量使用再生纸,以减少对木材的需求。
- Floatation de-inking: Removing ink from recycled paper by creating a "froth"which can be skimmed off. 漂浮脱墨:把再造纸上的墨变为浮渣,然后把它撇去的脱墨办法。
- You can also try harvesting reed yourself, and use them to produce recycled paper. 您更可亲自收割芦苇,并制成充满特色的再造纸张。
- More effective sorting would also reduce cost, further raising demand for recycled paper and sparing landfills. 有效分类也可降低成本,进而提高对回收纸的需求量,并减少垃圾掩埋量。
- "The model for environmental stewardship includes recycled paper and forest management. “这种模式的环境管理包括再生纸和森林管理。
- Here's a tip that can help prevent deforestation.When possible, we should try to use recycled paper. 提供大家一个有助于减少森林滥砍的小秘诀,那就是尽可能使用再生纸。
- Media type printing paper, envelopes, transparencies, card paper, postcards, labels and recycled paper. 介质类型 打印纸、信封、透明胶片、卡片纸、明信片、标签和再生纸。
- Let recycled papers be conserved for the many purposes they are more fit for. 让回收纸张用在他们更适合的地方吧。
- The Canadian publisher, Raincoast Books, did something similar for book 5, when it had all of its books printed on post-consumer recycled paper. 加拿大的“雨衣出版商”在出版哈利系列的第五部是就采取了类似的措施,他们当时使用的就是再生纸。
- Yuichi I,Yoshitaka M,Hiromichi T.Agents and method for dinking of recycled paper by the floatation process[P].JP:1998 102 390,1998 -04 -21. 候世珍;张岩;安郁琴.;壳聚糖-磷酸酯淀粉对纸张的增强助留作用及机理[J]
- Recycle paper, plastic, and metal items that can't be reused. 并回收不能再用的纸张;塑胶制品和金属物品.
- Finally shoes are on sale after packaging by recyclable paper. 最终经由可回收环保纸质材料包装出厂。
- Advanced paper handling can be deink and the business card printing and membership card production of recycled paper and writing paper. 高级纸,可以进行脱墨处理和通常在生产制卡和会员卡制作中使用的再生纸和书写纸。