- Bottle soda;a bottle recycling program. 瓶装苏打;一个瓶子回收项目
- They recently set up a CD recycling program for customers. 最近,他们为顾客准备了一个CD回收方案。
- Buildings are also rated on how well they use energy and water, and on things like the use of recycling programs. 建筑在利用水和能源,还有再利用程序等方面也作为评分范围。
- Recycling programs do not address the problem of electronics that are already leaching poison in landfills. 回收计划并不能解决那些已经被渗滤液污染过的垃圾填埋场的问题。
- The authorities are considering implementing a mandatory electronic recycling program. 当局正考虑采取强制性的电子器材回收计划。
- Municipal (or local) governments in each city or community are responsible for things like policing, fire fighting, snow removal and recycling programs. 每个城市或社区的市(或本地)政府所负责的事务,如警务,消防,铲雪及循环再造计划。
- In Penang, the recycling program by Tzu Ching at University of Science Malaysia has been met with an enthusiastic response. 在槟城马来西亚理科大学的慈青,在校园内进行回收获得广大迴响,还有学生订购素食便当,把所得款项捐到洗肾中心。
- Municipal (or local) governments in each city or community are responsible for things like policing, fire fighting, snow removal ane recycling programs. 每个城市或社区的市(或本土)政府所负责的事务,如警务,消防,铲雪及循环再造计划。
- The following list will help you learn about the codes so you know which items to include in your local curbside or drop-off recycling program. 下面的列表可以帮助你了解这些编码,并使你知道你所在地区的回收系统包括了那些品种。
- The bicycle recycling program is one of the largest in the United States.It is a sponsored project of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association. 该自行车回收项目是美国最大的类似组织,是由华盛顿地区自行车爱好者协会发起的。
- But here in Zurich, as in a few other parts of Europe, draconian disposal and recycling programs in place for more than a decade have dramatically reversed the trend. 但是在苏黎世和少数几个欧洲地区里,施行已经超过10年、严格的垃圾清理和回收规定,明显的扭转了这个趋势。
- That crazy hit-or-miss system based on random chance encounters was one heck of an inefficient way to run a recycling program. 这么个脚踏西瓜皮,滑到哪里算哪里的系统,完全基于随机遭遇几率,用作再循环回收事业的话的确效率低得糟透了。
- About 84 kilograms of aluminum cans and 130 kilograms of plastic bottles were collected under the trial recycling program for aluminum cans and plastic bottles. 于循环再用试验计划中,回收铝罐约84公斤,胶樽约130公斤。
- Under Patagonia's Common Threads Garment Recycling Program, customers can return products they no longer need to a Patagonia store in exchange for a sticker. 在巴塔哥尼亚的共同思路服装回收计划,用户可以恢复他们的产品不再需要到巴塔哥尼亚店,以换取贴纸。
- Even so, most kerbside recycling programmes are not financially self-sustaining. 即便如此,大多数的街道回收项目还是无法在财政上达到自给自足。
- The city also launched an innovative recycling program after environmentally concerned citizens blocked construction of a new garbage incinerator that would have emitted harmful air pollutants. 在有环保意识的市民们包围了新焚化炉的工程之后,这城市也实行了一项创新的资源回收计画。
- PET is among the most recyclable of plastics and is accepted in curbside recycling programs. PET是最可回收的塑料和被接受的路边回收项目。
- Recycling is the only proper way. 循环再生是惟一的好办法。
- We should encourage reclamation and recycling. 我们应当鼓励废物的回收和利用。
- bottle soda; a bottle recycling program. 瓶装苏打;一个瓶子回收项目