- red currant seed oil 红茶藨籽油
- Extraction and refining of black currant seed oil 黑加仑籽油的提取和精炼工艺技术研究
- An albino forms of the red currant. 一个白化形式的红醋栗.
- The extraction of edible oil from black currant seed by using enzymatic method was studied. 对于酶法提取黑加仑籽油进行了初步探讨。
- This wine has the typical red currant nose with a hint of smoke. 该酒带有典型的黑醋栗味和少量的烟味;
- Seed oil of hippophae rhamnoides L. 沙棘籽油
- The main products of our company include linseed oil, grape seed oil, tomato seed oil, almond oil, perilla essential oil, boxthorn seed oil, walnut oil and black currant oil, etc. 公司产品主要有:精制葡萄籽油、番茄籽油、亚麻籽油、红花籽油、杏仁油等。
- The palate is dry and supple with hints of red currant and blueberry overtones. 口感干而丰满,有一抹红加仑和蓝莓的香味。
- The earth component includes arctic cloudberry seed oil and red cranberry seed oil. 泥土成分包括北极莓果籽油和红色蔓越莓籽油。
- I use grape seed oil as well. You can buy it in Tesco. 在哪儿买的啊,我在私房上听人家说好,结果找遍英国这边超市也没看见,你在哪里找到的啊?
- Rosehip seed oil assists in retaining moisture in the skin. 玫瑰籽精油也可以帮助肌肤保持水分。
- Taste: The palate is dry and supple with hints of red currant and blueberry overtones. 口感:口感干而丰满,有一抹红加仑和蓝莓的香味。
- If cabbage, cauliflower, sunflower seed oil, colza is oily,wait. 如卷心菜、菜花、葵花子油、菜子油等。
- The wine is all fruit on the palate, berries and Satsuma plums and a touch of red currant jelly. 葡萄酒入口为水果味浆果、萨摩梅子和淡淡的红色加仑子果酱味道。
- Premium quality, unrefined flax seed oil is hexane-free. 素力高的亚麻籽油是质量一流的,冷压提炼和不含乙烷的。
- Relationship between soluble sugar and anchocyanin in black and red currant fruit was significantly corrlated. 黑穗醋栗和红穗醋栗果实中可溶性糖与花青苷之间呈显著相关。
- Efficiency: Contain grape seed oil, rose petal and red berry extract with fresh fragrance, and keep skin soft, refreshing and fragrant after use. 功效:配方揉合葡萄籽油,再加上玫瑰花瓣及红浆果清新轻柔的香气,用后令肌肤柔软、清新、芳香。
- Torta cheescake fragole Biscuit base filled with lemon scented Italian ricotta cheese, decorated with wild strawberries and red currant. 以意大利乳清干酪为底点缀以野生草莓和红梅。
- When the fruits matured anthocyanin content of black currant was highest, that of red currant was subsequence, that of white currant was extrme low. 果实成熟时,黑穗醋栗花青苷含量最高,红穗醋栗花青苷含量次之,白穗醋栗花青苷含量极低。
- In a pot, stir chopped onion and garlic with less than1 tsp of sesame seed oil. 在锅里,用1小勺香油把洋葱和大蒜煎一下。