- red rubber acetylene hose 红色乙炔胶管
- The 3 fixed buildings are further defined with distinct finishes; red rubber membrane and glass, red and black stained larch respectively. 3固定建筑物的进一步界定与不同的完成;红色橡胶膜和玻璃,红色和黑色分别染色落叶松。
- The woman teller that the two first-time visitors from China were talking to was dressed as a clown, with wild fluffy orange hair and a big round red rubber nose. 接待这两位第一次从中国来的客人的女出纳员则装扮成小丑的模样,顶着一头桔黄色、毛茸茸的乱发,还带了个大红色的橡胶圆鼻头。
- cleated heel shoes with red rubber soles 楔形红胶底胶跟鞋
- smooth surface red rubber hose 光面红橡皮管
- red rubber oxygen hose 红色氧气胶管
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- braided acetylene hose 编织乙炔胶管
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- To deflate: attach vinyl hose to red nozzle. 为了压缩:重视乙烯红色软管喷嘴。
- acetylene hose 乙炔胶管
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。
- He pulled a red sweater on over his shirt. 他在衬衣外面套上了一件红色毛衣。
- Keep on go till you come to a red brick building. 一直往前走直到一座红砖楼为止。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- Everyone at the rally wore red ribbons as favours. 参加集会的人都系著红丝带作为支持大会的标记。
- Her criticisms were enough to make anyone see red. 她那些批评任谁都得火冒三丈。
- I have a red tracksuit with fleecy lining. 我有一件红色的有羊毛衬里的运动服。
- How much money are you riding on the red horse? 你在那匹红马身上押了多少钱?