- Red Rock Reservoir Bibo Hao-miao, Shuitianyise. 红岩水库碧波浩淼,水天一色。
- There is nothing there but hundreds of miles of red rock and dust. 除了绵延几百英里的红色岩石和尘土,那里别无它物。
- Vacationers barely catch a glimpse of the sea through rocks on Red Rock Beach on Pointe Baptiste in Dominica. 在多米尼加(西印度群岛岛国)巴蒂斯特海角的红石滩上,游客们只能从岩石的缝隙间瞥见大海。
- Vacationers barely catch a glimpse of the sea through rocks on Red Rock Beach on Pointe Baptiste Nice in Dominica. 意译:主标题:红石海滩,多米尼加(西印度群岛岛国),1996年。度假者抓紧时间通过岩石看到海面一瞥,他们是站在红石海滩的顶端看见海洋的。
- So the fault on the cliff is a reverse fault because the red rock layer in the hanging wall has moved up relative to that in the footwall. 这样看来,发育在悬崖上岩层中的那条断层就是一逆断层了,因为上盘的红色岩层相对于下盘的红色岩层发生了沿断层面向上位移的运动。
- The red rock layers on both sides of the inclined plane vere originally one continuous layer. 在那个倾斜面的两侧的红色岩层原来是一个连续的岩层
- Rainwater and snowmelt cut andrubbed the red rock of this region for eons to form these slots. 雨水和融雪水削减和摩擦的红岩的这一地区形成的永久形式的这些插槽。
- "Red Rock, the truth of Marxism-Leninism, Zhang Zonghai is actually very clear in the chest. “对于红岩,对于马列主义的真理,张宗海实际上是了然于胸的。
- What names for BC crabs, got answer here, the dark one is Dungeness Crab, the Red one is Red Rock Crab. 本地人华人俗称青蟹和红蟹,红蟹垂钓尺寸限制小但是不好吃,青蟹大而肥。
- The princess of justice and truth flies off the stage and dances strange circles around Zelgadis, who by now is a very red rock. 正义和真理的公主飞下舞台,绕着杰路跳着奇怪的圈子,后者的脸现在是通红的石头了。
- She loved the scenery, the hills and canyons of garishly red rock, the burning deserts, the unexpected and blessedly refreshing lakes, even the heat. 她喜欢这里的风光,喜欢这里的山峦、峡谷、鲜红的岩石、火红的旷野、令人感到心旷神怡的奇异而美妙的湖泊,甚至连这里酷热的气候她也喜欢。
- In recent years, with the flourishing tourism industry, Red Rock Resort, and other new attractions are planning development. 近年来,随着旅游业的兴旺发达,红岩度假村等新的景点正在筹建开发之中。
- Ancient camphor trees, red rock, waterfall, brook, weeping willow, green land, spring sunlight and boat on the lake contribute to picturesque scenery. 园内各景点错落有致,无论香樟古韵、红岩飞瀑,还是涓涓细流,垂柳拂水,极目远眺,绿茵春晖、湖光舟影,美不胜收。
- One night in early spring she took a candle lantern and went down with it, unlit, through the Undertomb to the second passage to the left of the passage from the red rock door. 早春某夜,她提着一只未点燃的蜡烛灯笼走进陵墓,穿过地下陵墓径直走到红岩石门起左手第二条走道。
- Ring between the two River Hill, or gurgling in the Canyon bypass, or in between the red rock Teng rush down, spray the water stirred up, stand can be heard far away. 两山之间的响水河,或在峡谷中潺潺绕行,或在巨石间冲腾奔泻,浪花激起的水声,站在远处也能听到。
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- A red light is usually a signal of danger. 红灯通常是危险的信号。
- The SMR system for classification of slope rock masses is briefly introduced and applied in two representative wedge sliding red rock slopes to the stability of macroscopical evaluation. 摘要简要介绍了边坡岩体质量分类的SMR法,将之应用于2个典型楔形体破坏模式下红层岩体高边坡稳定性宏观评价。
- He wore a red carnation in his buttonhole. 他的扣洞上了一朵红色康乃馨。
- The boy is daubing a piece of paper with red ink. 那孩子正在用红墨水在纸上乱涂。