- The less in the potential difference between oxidation and reduction peaks, the better in reversibility of redox reaction. 材料的氧化峰电位与还原峰电位及其差值越小,氧化还原反应的可逆性就越好。
- The reaction in which the valence of elements raises or downs is redox reaction. 有元素化合价升降的反应是氧化还原反应。
- The redox reaction takes place during the adsorption process and the obtained Au(0)with a variety of aggregated structure adhere on the adsorbents. 在吸附过程中,同时发生氧化还原反应,Au(0)以不同的聚集态附着在树脂表面。
- Cyadox was synthesized from benzofurazan by three steps including Beirut reaction, Redox reaction and Addition reaction. 喹赛多的合成路线:以苯并呋咱一氧化物为起始原料,经过贝鲁特缩合、氧化还原反应、西佛碱反应三步反应合成目标产物。
- Thermokinetic characteristics of the redox reaction between methylene blue solution and potassium bromate solution was studied by micro-calorimetry. 用微热量计对亚甲基蓝与溴酸根在水中的氧化还原反应进行了热动力学研究。
- This article analyses the complex redox reaction modulus of balancing problem, and gives the meth-od of this discussion based on the exercises in the textbook. 无机及分析化学》是一门基础理论课,在教学过程中,要使学生所学内容能加深理解、活应用,并提高分析问题和解决问题的能力,就必须引导学生在复习的基础上做些习题,以此得到巩固。本文分析了复杂氧化还原反应配平系数的问题,以教材中习题为例,进行了讨论和演算。
- The methed is based on the redox reaction of sulfion with iodine,and the frequency change of the pieoelectric crystal caused by unreacted iodine is measured. 硫与人体健康的关系十分密切,硫的医疗价值越来越引起人们的重视,因此硫的测定具有重要意义。
- The results show that 6-MHA can form stable SAM on gold electrode,and this 6-MHA SAM electrode has obvious catalysis for the redox reaction of chlorophylls. 结果表明,6-MHA在金电极表面能够形成一层稳定的自组装膜,并对叶绿素的氧化还原过程具有明显的催化作用。
- The redox reaction of polythiophene displays electrochromic property, which was measured in situ by the electrochemically modulated reflectance spectroscopy. 水溶液中聚噻吩电化学变色是其氧化还原反应的颜色效应, 电化学反射光谱可现场研究电化学变色特性。
- The formation of carotane is the result of the hydrogen addition of carotene,and this process is very typical redox reaction,which needs plenty of hydrogen . 即使环境并非属于氧化,如果缺乏还原剂,胡萝卜素也不能转化成胡萝卜烷;
- Because oxidations always go hand in hand with reduction, we refer to these reactions as redox reactions. 由于氧化反应总是与还原反应同时发生,所以我们称这些反应为氧化还原反应。
- The concept of oxidizing number is led into organic chemistry. The judgement for organic redox reaction and the balancing for equation of the reaction are discussed with this concept. 在有机化学中,引入了氧化数的概念,并用此概念对有机氧化还原反应的判断和有机氧化还原反应方程式的配平进行了探讨。
- Adsorption of melittin into HBM destroys the insulating capability of HBM, causing membrane resistance to decrease and membrane capacitance to increase, thus accelerating the redox reaction for the negatively charged redox couple Fe(CN)_6 3-. 在双层膜体系上引入的蜂毒素可在膜表面上形成孔洞 ,破坏膜的绝缘性 ,降低膜电阻 ,增加膜电容 ,使带负电的探针Fe(CN) 6 3-的氧化还原反应速度加快
- The valence states of Cr3+/Cr2+ redox reaction products and Au and Pb catalysts deposited on glassy carbon electrode ( GCE ) and their catalytic characterestics for Cr3+/Cr2+ redox reaction were studied by XPS. 本文研究玻碳电极(GCE)表面Cr~(3+)/Cr~(2+)氧化还原反应产物和沉积的Au、Pb催化剂的价态以及它们对Cr~(3+)/Cr~(2+)反应的催化作用。 XPS研究结果表明,Cr~(3+)/Cr~(2+)氧化还原反应产物无Cr~0或其它价态的化合物生成。
- The formula can be used to calculate the end point error of both complicated redox reactions and simple ones. 根据氧化还原滴定的特殊规律,运用化学反应的计量关系和能斯特公式,给出了氧化还原滴定终点误差的简单计算公式。
- Prussian Blue(PB) can be modified on inert electrodes acting as artificial enzyme of many biological or chemical substances to catalyse their redox reactions. 普鲁士蓝(PB)可以作为许多生物化学物质的人工酶来修饰惰性电极,用来催化它们的氧化还原。
- The calculated results of effective permittivity of two different redox reactions were in good agreement with the measured results and better than that of the original formula. 以碘化钾和高锰酸钾两个氧化还原反应为例,对实验结果和计算结果进行了分析比较,结果表明其具有很好的一致性,而且计算精度较改进前的公式得到了改善。
- Redox reaction and redox titration 第四节氧化还原反应与氧化还原滴定
- Judgement on complete extent in redox reaction 氧化还原反应完全程度的判别
- Latest researches in application of hydrotalcite-like materials in catalytic redox reactions were reviewed, especially" green" catalytic application of hydrotalcite-like materials and their derived composite oxides in synthesis of fine chemicals. 综述了水滑石类材料在氧化还原催化反应中应用的最新研究进展,重点讨论了类水滑石及以类水滑石为前驱体衍生得到的复合氧化物在精细合成中的绿色催化应用。