- You must try your best to reduce weight. 您一定要努力减轻体重才好。
- Reduce weight time make blood pressure elevatory? ? 减肥回使血压升高吗??
- Reduce weight so cannot impatient. 所以减肥不能心急。
- Can vocal cords jump after polypous operation reduce weight hold? 声带息肉手术后可以跳减肥操吗?
- To reduce weight she eats low-calorie salad every day. 为了减轻体重,他每天吃低热量的沙拉。
- We am firm satiate wear warm you reduce weight again show hilum. 俺们刚吃饱穿暖你们又减肥露脐了。
- Minimize weight bearing of knee joint. For the obese, reduce weight. 减少膝关节的负荷,过重者要减肥。
- Do you want tohave a massage for reducing weight? 您需要减肥按摩吗?
- That serves as a timely warning! You must try your best to reduce weight. 那是对您及时的警告呀!您一定要努力减轻体重才好。
- Wish your success reducing weight! 祝你减肥成功!
- Using chili to reduce weight is OK really those who use up is adipose! 利用辣椒减肥确实是可以消耗的脂肪!
- Make full use of lotus leaf tea will reduce weight, need a few small doohickey. 充分利用荷叶茶来减肥,需要一些小窍门。
- Reduce weight more than be to should have tenacious psychokinesis, even method. 减肥不止是要有顽强的意志力的,还要方法。
- Romantic claret, in but abroad is regarded as to reduce weight vintage wine! 浪漫的红葡萄酒,在国外可是被视为减肥佳酿呢!
- How ability heighten, reduce weight, doesn't the beans grow on the face? 怎样才能增高,减肥,脸上不长豆豆?
- Beauty-slim Tea resolves fat, helps digestion and reduces weight. 健美减肥茶:去脂肪,助消化,减体重。
- How be health reduces weight and the most effective still? 怎么样是健康减肥呢而且还是最有效的?
- We present three plans on reducing weight of CD6140 lathe bed. 针对CD6140车床床身提出了三个原始减重方案。
- Goluptious but is side effect of thin drug reducing weight big? ? ? 可口可瘦的减肥药副作用大吗???
- To adiposity have very good clear grease effect reducing weight. 对肥胖具有很好减肥清脂作用。