- Divides your information into subject-based tables to reduce redundant data. 将信息划分到基于主题的表中,以减少冗余数据。
- reducing redundant data 删减冗余数据
- Redundant data are difficult to maintain. 重复的数据是很难维护的。
- If you define a primary key for a table in your database, you can relate that table to other tables, thus reducing the need for redundant data. 如果为数据库中的某个表定义了主键,则可将该表与其他表相关,从而减少对冗余数据的需求。
- In a relational database, relationships enable you to prevent redundant data. 在关系数据库中,关系使您可以防止冗余数据。
- See efficiency rise as trucks move more quickly through the gate and redundant data entry is eliminated. 通过加快货车通过出入口的速度和消除冗余数据输入,可以帮助您提高工作效率。
- The dynamic state dichotomy vectorization insures precision of drawings but has redundant data. 动态二分矢量化方法可以确保图形的点位精度,但存在大量冗余数据。
- A redundant data storage service which replicates the data in 3 seperate locations. 可将数据复制到三个独立位置的冗余数据存储服务。
- Optimal discrimination plane (ODP) technique was developed to reduce the redundant data. 特征的提取在处理和传输这些数据中起到至关重要的作用。
- Fifth, we should encourage mergers, standardize bankruptcy procedures, redirect laid-off workers, increase efficiency by reducing redundant staff and implement re-employment programs. 第五,鼓励兼并、范破产、岗分流、员增效和实施再就业工程。
- With its Sun Grid technology, Sun focused on mission-critical, highly redundant data center environments. 因为它的栅格技术关注关键性任务和高度冗余的数据中心环境。
- Removing a mirror from this volume removes one copy of the volume's data. The volume will no longer contain redundant data. 从该卷中删除镜像会删除卷上数据的一份备份。该卷将不再包含重复数据。
- Removing a mirror from this volume will remove one copy of the volume's data. The volume will no longer have redundant data on it. 从该卷中删除镜像会删除卷上数据的一份备份。卷上将不再有多余的重复数据。
- Replication supports high availability by having redundant data at multiple sites, but it does not prevent data corruption from occurring. 复制通过在多个站点上提供冗余数据来支持高可用性,但是无法避免数据损坏。
- Reduce redundant information to increase the speed of updates and improve concurrency. 减少冗余信息,以加快更新速度并改善并发性。
- Furthermore, the experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method to reduce redundant relations. 实验表明,该方法有效的约简了融合本体中的冗语关系。
- Being limited to a single XML representation of each object type means it is likely that there will always be some redundant data traveling across the network. 被限制为一个类型一个XML表示,就意味着在网络上总要有冗余数据传输。
- These options build a single program database (PDB) file that contains debug information for the entire library, reducing redundancy and saving space. 这些选项生成单个程序数据库(PDB)文件,该文件包含整个库的调试信息,减少了冗遇并节省了空间。
- The first principle is that duplicate information (also called redundant data) is bad, because it wastes space and increases the likelihood of errors and inconsistencies. 第一个原则是,重复信息(也称为冗余数据)很糟糕,因为重复信息会浪费空间,并会增加出错和不一致的可能性。
- The BTA is implemented by two modules:BTA1 and BTA2.The purpose is to reduce redundant computation and raise the efficiency of partial evaluation. 该部分求值器的BTA由两个部分来实现:BTA1和BTA2,其目的是减少重复计算,提高部分求值的执行效率