- reduction ad absurdum 归谬法
- He used a reductio ad absurdum form of logic. 这是以子之矛攻子之盾的做法。
- And I'm not talking about a reductio ad absurdum contest where we use up all the clever tricks in our books to make the code fit into less physical space. 我并不是在说:我们应当绞尽脑汁,用尽书中的技巧,来减小代码的体积。我想说的是:一个切实可行且通俗易懂的策略。
- I come in answer to your ad for a salesman. 我来应聘售货员的职位。
- We were told to help ourselves to the food ad lib. 这些食物让我们随便吃。
- Problems were solved on an ad hoc basis. 做了一些变通问题便解决了。
- Insert a want ad, and it may help. 登一则招聘广告,也许有用。
- His head sank down ad he fell asleep. 他睡着时头垂了下来。
- The reduction of unemployment should be paramount. 降低失业率应是头等大事。
- reductio ad absurdum [拉](=reduction to absurdity)[逻]归谬法, 间接证明法,反证法(说明某一命题的反面为不可能或荒谬, 以证明该命题为正确)
- Points of policy are decided ad hoc. 政策的条款是临时决定的。
- I don't want to go on working here ad infinitum. 我不愿意永远在这里干下去。
- reductio ad absurdum proof 归谬证法
- The actress often forgot her line but was very good at ad lib. 那个女演员常忘台词,却极擅长临时拼凑。
- ad absurdum 荒谬的
- The forthcoming talk hold out the hope of real arms reduction. 即将举行的会谈给实现真正的裁军带来了希望。
- Acting or done ad interim; temporary. 临时的暂时做事的; 临时的
- Queue forme at the ticket office when the news of the fare reduction get out. 票价下调的消息一传出,售票处前就排起了队。
- A reduction in pace, force, or intensity; a slowdown. 减慢,放松速度、力量或强度减弱; 放慢
- What reduction will you make on this article? 这个东西你要减价多少?