- decibels above reference acoustic pressure 超过准基声压的分贝数
- reference acoustic pressure 基准声压
- The output signal from the interferometer is proportional to the acoustic pressure in water. 输出的信号直接正比于液体中的声压。
- Experiments indicate that our contrast technique is not sensitive to contrast dose, flow rate, acoustic pressure. 证明本文提出的造影成像方案对声压、流速、造影剂浓度在一定范围内不敏感。
- In a word, whether in estimator performance of DOA or detector performance of signal, vector array is excel to general acoustic pressure array. 综上所述,无论是目标方位估计性能,还是信号检测性能,矢量阵都优于常规声压阵。
- The acoustic pressure and acoustic power of the whole structure are obtained by superposing those of each infinitesimal element. 以每个微元为一单位,分别计算声压和声功率之后叠加起来,即得整个结构的声辐射。
- On the contrary, the collapse of bubble will become more violent with higher acoustic pressure, but overhigh pressure will make it never happen. 提高声场声压 会加剧气泡崩塌程度,但过高的声压又不能使微气泡崩塌;
- Methods A hydrophone was used as energy converting equipment to collect wave of acoustic pressure in the field of ultrasound. 方法:采用水听器作为换能器,通过采集超声信号在空间声场内一点的声压波形。
- In circumstances like varying SNR, fluctuating acoustic pressure and excursive frequency, numerical simulation shows that the detection system works well. 在信噪比变化、声压起伏、线谱漂移等情况下,仿真结果表明双稳态随机共振系统都能较好地工作。
- By measuring the acoustic pressure at two points along the tube, the standing wave sound field in the resonator could be separated into incident and reflected components. 在该方法中,只要测量沿程两点的声压,便可将管内平面驻波声场分解为入射波和反射波两种分量。
- The Helmholtz integral formula shows that the acoustic pressure in an enclosed space can be treated as superimpose result of contribution of all boundary elements that act as sound sources. 由边界积分公式表明 ,封闭区域内某一点的声压可以看作由边界面上次级声源发出的声波在该点贡献的叠加。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- acoustic pressure and particle velocity 声压和质点振速
- Reconstruction of acoustic pressure fields 声场重构
- This reference book is very useful to our study. 这本参考书对我们的研究很有用。
- Is this reference book of any use to me? 这本参考书对我有用处吗?
- I like to have my reference book within my reach. 我喜欢把参考书放在随手拿得到的地方。
- Tony used no reference books in class. 托尼上课时不使用参考书。
- The radiated acoustic pressures are obtained by means of an expansion of independent functions generated by Gram - Schmidt orthonormalization using a group of spheroidal wave functions. 使用长旋转椭球函数得到一组独立函数,把声场中的声压表示为独立函数的线形叠加。
- Evidently shipowner to bear expense refer. 很明显船主应承担此费用。