- reference input element 基准输入元件
- Indicates that the input element should be checked when it first loads. 当第一次加载的时候input元素是否为选中状态。
- reference input elements 参考输入元件
- The values are then passed as a variable to an HTML hidden input element when subsequent requests are processed. 在处理后续请求时,该值随即作为变量传递给HTML隐藏输入元素。
- Only one Go button (which uses the HTML INPUT element) can be used to pass data to the other Web Part. 只能使用一个“搜索”按钮(该按钮使用HTML INPUT元素)将数据传递到其他Web部件。
- Multipath of the towing ship noise limits the performance of adaptive interference can-celing (AIC) which utilizes the fixed beam as a reference input. 拖曳线列阵声纳中,拖船噪声常常是影响声纳性能的重要因素之一。
- Each input element refers to a message by its name and treats it as a parameter that the user will provide when invoking this operation. 每个input元素通过消息名来引用它并将它当作用户调用该操作时要提供的参数。
- If your application requires no inrush protection, simply omit C1, R1, R2, and Q1 and connect S1 between the reference input and 0V. 如果你的应用不需要涌电流保护,干脆省略C1、R1和 R2,并在参考输入和0V之间接入S1。
- The reference input and the primary input to the adaptive system are the output signals obtained from two MFL sensors in proximity. 将一路的传感器输出信号作为主输入信号,与之相邻的传感器输出信号作为参考信号,采用归一化自适应滤波对主输入信号进行处理。
- This paper analyses the effect of the signal components in the reference input on the Performance of the active self noise canceler. 文章分析了参考输入中含有目标信号的本艇自噪声有源抵消器的性能。
- Defines a push button. Inside a button element you can put content, like text or images. This is the difference between this element and buttons created with the input element. 定义一个按钮,在按钮元素里还能放些内容,比如文字或是图片。这个元素和使用input建立的按钮是有所区别的。
- It just so happens that one of the characteristics of the wrapped pattern is that the name of the input element is the same as the name of the operation. 因此,包装的样式具有这样的一个特征,输入元素的名称与操作的名称是相同的。
- To the known bounded reference input trajectory, it can be proved the closed-loop is BIBO stable, and the output will track the reference input asymptotically. 同时证明,对于已知有界参考输入,多模型自适应控制可以保证闭环系统输入输出稳定,输出渐进跟踪设定值。
- It was proved the closed-loop system is input and output stable (BIBO), and the output of system could track any bounded reference input with bounded erro... 同时证明,多模型自适应控制可以保证闭环系统输入输出稳定,且保证对给定有界参考输入、被控对象输出可在一给定界范围内跟踪参考输入。
- The optimal output tracking control (OOTC) problem for a class of bilinear systems is considered where the reference input is described by an exosystem. 摘要研究一类参考输入由外系统描述的双线性系统的最优输出跟踪控制问题。
- The concept of reference input voltage is proposed and used in the space vector modulation strategy of TSMC, which can implement the control of reactive power of TSMC. 文中提出了参考输入电压概念,在双级矩阵变换器空间矢量调制策略中利用参考输入电压来实现无功功率的调节,并给出了详细的调制方法,分析了输入功率因数和双级矩阵变换器电压传输比的关系。
- There are two buffered differential programmable-gain analog inputs, as well as a differential reference input. 有两个缓存器的有差异的可设计增益模拟输入,并且差异的标准输入。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- Through the selection of input elements and relations,the integrated space makes online processing and leads to a new emergent structure. 整合空间对有选择地吸收的成分进行即时加工,产生输入空间中所不具备的突生结构。
- Conversely, the alignment of actions with a form's input elements provides a clear path to completion that helps people complete forms faster. 相反的,把操作行为和表单输入框排成一条直线,可以提供一个清晰的路线帮助用户更快的完成表单。