- reference standard lamp 参考标准灯
- To establish the reference standard of octreotide acetate. 建立首批醋酸奥曲肽的国家对照品。
- That standard lamp is a real white elephant-it does't work and it doesn't go with the rest of the furniture. 那台落地台灯真是个累赘--它不好使,而且跟别的家具不相配。
- That standard lamp is a real white elephant-it doesn't work and it doesn't go with the rest of the furniture. 那台落地台灯真是个累赘--它不好使,而且跟别的家具不相配。
- Is the reference standard likely to correctly classify the target condition? 金标准是否能准确区分有病、无病状态?
- He offered me the choice of any one of these for a wedding present: a set of fish knives, a teapot, an electric toaster, and a standard lamp. 他提供这些东西让我挑一样作为结婚礼物:一套鱼刀,一把茶壶,一个电烤箱,一盏落地灯。
- Custom metal deer lamp stands 35 inches with a standard lamp shade and wood base. Any style available made to your order. 定制金属灯鹿身高35英寸与标灯绿荫和木材基地.;任何风格提供了你的命令
- The dilution curve of the acromegalic serum paralleled to those of the reference standard and SMC standard. 肢端肥大症病人血清的稀释曲线与参考标准曲线和SMC标准曲线呈很好的平行关系。
- Was the execution of the reference standard described insufficient detail to permit its replication? 金标准试验的操作是否描述的足够清楚且可以进行重复?
- Were the index test results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the reference standard? 诊断性试验的结果解释是否是在不知晓金标准试验结果的情况下进行的?
- Were the reference standard results interpreted without knowledge of the results of the index test? 金标准试验的结果解释是否是在不知晓诊断性试验结果的情况下进行的?
- Did patients receive the same reference standard regardless of the index test result? 是否所有病例无论诊断性试验的结果如何,都接受了相同的金标准试验?
- V-i Multidisciplinary Approach - Heat treated parts will conform to the reference standard in the drawing notes. 综合学科的研究方法-热处理零件将遵照图纸注解中的参考标准。
- A group of deuterium lamps is used as a standard lamp which can emit stronger ultraviolet radiation. 利用氘灯能发出强紫外辐射的特点,以英国NPL定标过的氘灯作为临时光谱辐亮度标准,来标定我们的工作标准灯组。
- A detailed description of the analytical procedures used to characterize the reference standard. 用于界定标准品的分析程序的详细叙述。
- The reference standard established can efficiently control the quality of octreotide acetate products. 首批国家醋酸奥曲肽对照品的建立可有效的控制产品质量。
- Be sure that the reference standard falls directly into the alcohol without contacting the neck of the flask. 确保所有标准都正落到甲醇中而没有接触到容量瓶颈。
- General standard lamp base. It adopts standard lamp base, and it is able to directly replace incandescent lamps, halogen lamps, and fluorescent lamps. 通用标准灯头.采用标准灯头,可直接替换白炽灯、卤素灯、荧光灯;
- Each batch of secondary reference standard should be periodically requalified in accordance with a written protocol. 每一批的二级对照品应根据书面的程序周期性的重新鉴定。
- Was the reference standard independent of the index test (i. E. The index test did not form part of the reference standard)? 金标准试验是否独立于诊断性试验(即诊断试验不包含在金标准中)?