- reference wetland system 参照湿地系统
- Mangrove wetland was a very important and special component in the wetland system. 摘要红树林湿地是湿地系统中非常重要而又较特殊的组成部分。
- The HGM includes three interrelated components: classification,articulation of functions,and the use of reference wetland sites. 有关国际机构主要从理论上对湿地功能评价方法进行了研究。
- Constructed wetland system for sewage treatment is one of the effective,economical and ecological treatment approaches. 人工湿地污水处理系统是一种经济高效的污水生态处理技术方式。
- The definition, structure and influence factors of depurative effect for contamination removal in constructed wetland system are introduced. 简要介绍了人工湿地的定义、结构组成和系统对污染物去除效果的影响因素。
- By setting-up simulated mangrove wetland in a greenhouse,the behavior of total nitrogen in Avicennia marina simulated wetland system was studied. 在温室中建立红树林植物白骨壤模拟湿地系统,分别用正常、5倍和10倍浓度的人工配置的城市污水每周定时定量对模拟系统污灌2次,用海水作对照,持续1年。
- Constructed wetland system is an efficient biotechnique for wastewater purification with low investment,imbecility,low circulation fee and high eco-value. 人工湿地是利用生物自净功能,低投入、低运行费、低能耗的环保型的污水处理技术。
- The suitable mediums for microbial growth were determined through experiments, which separated and identified the microbial of the hydrophyte-artificial wetland system. 摘要通过试验选用适合微生物生长的培养基,分离和鉴定了人工湿地污泥处理系统中微生物的组成关系。
- Freshwater and brackish water fish are cultured in fish ponds covering some 1060 hectares, most of which are located in the north-western New Territories where they form part of the wetland system of conservation interest. 养殖淡水鱼和咸淡水鱼的鱼塘占地约1060公顷,主要集中在新界西北部,成为具存护价值的湿地系统的一部分。
- Freshwater fish are cultured in fish ponds covering some 1 100 hectares,most of which are located in the north-west New Territories where they form part of the wetland system of conservation interest. 香港也有在鱼塘养殖淡水鱼。鱼塘占地约1100公顷,大部分集中在新界西北部,成为具存护价值的湿地系统的一部分。
- Subsurface flow type constructed wetland system used for domestic sewage treatment has average removal rate of COD and TP above 85% and 80% respectively,and removal rate of total nitrogen about 55%. 潜流式人工复合生态床对生活污水中COD和TP的平均去除率分别为85%25和80%25以上,对总氮去除率为55%25左右。
- A simulated mangrove wetland was set up in a greenhouse and the experiment was performed to research the behavior of nickel in synthetic wastewater in Avicennia marina simulated wetland system. 在温室中建立红树林植物白骨壤模拟湿地系统,分别用正常、5倍和10倍浓度的人工配置的城市污水每周定时定量对模拟系统污灌2次,用海水作对照,持续1a。
- Don't refer to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。
- Kadlec R H, Brix H, Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control.Water Science Technology. 1994;29: 107-115. 郭振泰、杨州斌,湿地水质及生态数学模式之发展与应用,2001。
- In areas prone to flood, large wetland systems can act as a sponge that will reduce a flood surge and impact. 在洪水频发区域,大型湿地系统犹如海绵能吸纳大量洪水,减少洪泛及其危害。
- Two sets of downflow-upflow constructed wetland systems planted with different macrophytes were irrigated by water with algae bloom for one week. 以含水华的鱼塘水作为进水灌溉两套上行流-下行流人工湿地系统,系统内种植芦苇等水生植物。
- Human population growth is increasing the built footprint, which in turn is straining the capacity of natural wetland systems. 人类人口的增长扩大了人造环境的占地面积,而后者又使自然湿地系统超负荷运转。
- This will involve mimicking or replicating the biological, chemical, and physical processes found in wetland systems and using them specifically for water quality treatment. 其后包括模仿或复制湿地系统的生物、化学和物理过程,并将它们专门运用到水质处理方法上。
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