- refined pure rapeseed oil 精炼纯菜籽油
- refined pure rapeseed oi 精炼纯菜籽油
- Most families use rapeseed oil for cooking. 大多数家庭里食用的都是菜子油。
- Rapeseed oil, and soybean oil are good for health. 菜籽油和大豆油对人体都有好处。
- The effect of several sulfureted fatty and phosphorous type additives on the biodegradation of refined rapeseed oil was investigated. 以精制菜子油为基础油,考察了几种硫化脂肪添加剂和磷系添加剂对其生物降解性能的影响。
- Dr Hon LAW Chi-kwong raised a question on the use and regulation of rapeseed oil as vehicle fuel. 罗致光议员就使用及规管芥花籽油作车辆燃油一事提出质询。
- ETO: We are looking for the Rapeseed Oil and Seeds only must be serious company. Pls. Con tact us. Thks. 香港求购油菜籽和菜油。
- The amidation reaction between rapeseed oil and monoethanolamine was studied via orthogonal experiment. 通过正交实验对菜籽油与单乙醇胺的酰胺化反应进行了研究。
- A 20 per cent discount on five-litre bottles of rapeseed oil at Carrefour had people lining up from 4am on Saturday. 由于重庆家乐福对5升桶装菜籽油提供20%25折扣,居民从上周六凌晨4点钟就开始排队。
- Suddenly though, my eye was caught by a dusky bottle of cold-pressed rapeseed oil. 但是,突然我的眼睛被一瓶颜色较深的冷榨菜籽油吸引。
- Rapeseed oil fume,soyabean oil fume and salad oil fume condensate were injected respectively to female Kunming mice. 昆明种雌性小鼠皮下注射经动式染毒装置制备的豆油、菜籽油以及精炼色拉油油烟冷凝物。
- Their antiwear and extreme pressure properties in rapeseed oil and water were tested on the four-ball tester. 通过四球试验机考察了它们在菜籽油和水中的抗磨性能与极压性能。
- Objective: To clarify the changes of content and composition of tocopherol in rapeseed oil during the refining process. 目的:研究生育酚在菜籽油精炼过程中的含量与组成变化。
- In addition,the property and refining method of cold pressing rapeseed oil were studied. 对油菜籽直接冷榨油的特性和精炼方法也作了比较细致的分析和研究。
- Ingredients: walnut oil, teaseed oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, shell-outed sesame oil, ect. 配料表:核桃油,茶子油,花生油,剥壳菜子油,芝麻油
- The extraction of natural vitamin E from by-production of rapeseed oil deodorizer distillate was studied. 菜籽油脱臭馏出物中含有丰富的维生素E,是获得天然维生素E的较好来源。
- It was pure luck that he was home when we called. 非常幸运,我们打电话时他在家里。
- The hydrolysate of rapeseed oil,octadecenoic acid,can be used for modification of various alkyd resins. 菜籽油经水解制成十八烯酸,可制备各类改性醇酸树脂。
- The tribological model between TPP and rapeseed oil was established by means of BP neutral network. 应用BP神经网络建立了TPP在菜籽油中的摩擦学模型;
- The tribological performance of BTLB in rapeseed oil was evaluated by four-ball tester. 利用四球摩擦磨损试验机对添加剂BTLB在菜籽油中的摩擦学性能进行了评价。