- Upon the interface of homogenuous isotropic elastic media the incident longitudinal wave produces the reflected longitudinal (P-P) wave and upgoing converted shear (P-SV)wave. 在均匀各向同性介质的分界面上入射纵波时,除产生纵波反射P-P波外,还会产生转换横波的反射P-SV波。
- reflected longitudinal waves 反射纵波
- Getting the Reflection Longitudinal Wave Average Velocity in Crust with Common Extended Spread Method in Sanzhao Depression of Songliao Basin 松辽盆地三肇凹陷延长排列法求取地壳反射纵波平均速度
- In longitudinal waves, it is measured from compression to compression or from rarefaction to rarefaction. 在纵波中是以密波与密波或疏波与疏波之间的距离来量度的。
- The longitudinal wave cannot exist near the surface of a solid, and those exist near it are gliding irrotational waves. 纵波不能在固体表面存在,在固体表面存在的是相应的滑行集散波。
- A pressure disturbance cannot drive the energy release profile uniformly to the anti-node region to result in a sustained longitudinal wave. 压力扰动不可能驱使能量释放分布图移至波腹区域以产生持续的纵向波。
- The dispersion curves and simulated dispersion relationship of longitudinal waves without the Langmuir wave, the ion sound wave and the ion plasma wave are obtained. 得到了除朗缪尔波、离子声波和离子等离子体波外其它纵波的色散曲线和拟合色散关系。
- Moreover, according to occultism, astrological forces are vibrations which are transmitted to earth via an infinite number of longitudinal waves through the ether. 此外,依照神秘主义,占星的作用是波动变化的,是通过一个无限大的数字的经度波动浪穿透空间传输到地球上。
- Unfortunately the shock conditions for accompanying longitudinal waves cannot be inferred at the outset without having detailed information about the shear wave. 很可惜,对伴随的纵波,冲击波条件却不能从一开始就在没有剪切波的详尽知识的情况下推测得出。
- A little apart from the surf ace, the longitudinal wave beam may exist and propagate parallel to the surface,yet has to connect with its corresponding gliding irrotational waves. 离开固体表面稍远的区域,可以有平行于表面传播的纵波声束存在,但是需要与相应的滑行集散波相互衔接。
- Secondly, the relation between longitudinal wave propagation velocity and resin-bonded stiffness of full length anchoring bolt is simulated. 然后模拟纵波在全长锚固锚杆内传播速度与树脂-围岩粘结刚度之间的关系;
- This paper deduces the errors sources from the process of ultrasonic longitudinal wave testing and evaluates its uncertainty. 本文分析了超声波探伤纵波检测的误差来源,评定了在探伤过程中的不确定度。
- A series of test has been conducted in NCKU towing tank equipped with wave maker.Because of the limitation of the facility, only measurements in longitudinal waves are considered. 所有系列之试验在国立成功大学具造波功能之拖航水槽中测试,由于设备之限制,只有纵向波的例子被考虑。
- Secondly,the relation between longitudinal wave propagation velocity and resin-bonded stiffness of full length anchoring bolt is simulated. 然后模拟纵波在全长锚固锚杆内传播速度与树脂-围岩粘结刚度之间的关系;
- Contrast with common vertical longitudinal ultrasonic wave, slant longitudinal wave could be applied to test the nozzle welds on vessel, header, bolts and austenite material. 介绍了超声纵波斜入射法在电站锅炉压力容器管座角焊缝、螺栓和奥氏体钢锻件等部件探伤中的应用。
- A reflected wave received by a radio or radar. 反射波收音机或雷达接收到的反射波
- Her sad looks reflected the nature of her thoughts. 她面带忧伤显出心事重重。
- Lamb waves method is mainly used to characterize thin plate materials, without using very high frequency, it can measure the velocity of transverse wave and longitudinal wave, depth of the plate, and the bonding quality between plates. 兰姆波法主要用于表征薄板类材料,无需较高检测频率,可以测得板中纵波和横波的声速、板厚和板与板之间的结合特性等,检测精度较高。
- A reflected signal on a communication channel. 一种在通信信道上反射回来的信号。
- Secondly, the dispersion equation of longitudinal wave is derived based on the transmission model that longitudinal waves propagate along the periodic structure such as the drill strings or oil pipe. 其次,建立了理想钻杆和油管这种宏观周期性结构中沿管轴方向传播的纵波传播模型,推导出了纵波的频率方程(色散方程)。