- reflexive locally convex space 自反局部凸空间
- Every weakly countably compact closed convex set in a locally convex space has the quasi-weak drop property. 局部凸空间中每个弱可数紧闭凸集具拟弱滴状性质.
- In this paper we extend the width problems in normed space to locally convex space and some results are given. 本文将赋范空间中的宽度推广到了局部凸空间;并得到了一些相应的结论.
- Let X be a real linear space,P a family of separated seminorms on X and TP the locally convex separated topology on X generated by P.The concepts of the S-simplest form of a seminorm family P and the P-reflexive locally convex space (X,TP) are introduced. 设X是实线性空间;P是X上的一族分离半范数且TP是X上由P生成的局部凸分离拓扑.
- The Model-matching Problem in Locally Convex Space 局部凸空间中的模型匹配问题
- dual metric locally convex space 对偶度量局部凸空间
- The Width in the Locally Convex Space 局部凸空间中的宽度
- ultrabornological locally convex space 超有界型局部凸空间
- quasi-complete locally convex space 拟完备局部凸空间
- The normality and compactness in Locally Convex Space 局部凸空间中函数的正规性
- The Vector-valued Elliptic Functions in Locally Convex Space 局部凸空间中的椭圆函数
- In the case of K=1,the results in this section included all results of strong convexity and strong smoothness in locally convex spaces. 本章中得到的结果在k = 1的情形下完全包含了关于局部凸空间一致凸与一致光滑的全部结果。
- The Vector-valued Regular Functions in Locally Convex Space 局部凸空间中的向量值正则函数
- Model-Maching Error and Optimal Solution in Locally Convex Space 局部凸空间中的模型匹配误差与最优解
- Denting Points in Locally Convex Spaces 局部凸空间中的可凹点
- Uniform Smoothness of Locally Convex Spaces 局部凸空间的一致光滑性
- The Residue Theory of Vector-Valued Functions in Locally Convex Space 局部凸空间中向量值函数的留数理论
- A Class of Locally Convex Spaces and Its Mapping Characterization 一类局部凸空间及其映照特征
- Subseries convergence and absolute convergence in locally convex spaces 局部凸空间中的子级数收敛与绝对收敛
- The problem of the existence of a cone subdifferential for the cone convex set valued maps in the locally convex, linear and topological vector space is discussed. 在局部凸线性拓扑向量空间讨论了一种锥凸集值映射的锥次微分的存在性问题;证明了几个锥次微分的存在定理.