- reform of property fights 产权改革
- Secondly, The internalization of rural land external benefit is generally inclined to subsidy, the transactions of property fight is a bold attempt. 二是农地外部效益经济内在化普遍青睐补贴,产权交易是一次大胆的尝试。
- Thoughts and Tentative Ideas on Further Promoting the Reform of Property Right System of Dongfeng Liuzhou Automobile Co. LTD. 关于进一步推进东风柳州汽车有限公司产权制度改革的思考和初步设想。
- Before reform of property rights,perfect Nash equilibrium of sub gaming was not optimal;Pareto dominance could be improved by bargaining solution. 公立医院改制前双方博弈的子博弈精炼纳什均衡为非帕雷托最优合同,可通过讨价还价实现帕雷托改进。
- With the advancement of property rights reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) in China, more arid more SOEs have chose privatization. 随着我国国有企业产权改革进程的推进,越来越多的国有企业为了生存选择了民营化。
- Meanwhile, scholars and normal people all hope that the reform of property tax can be effective in restraining over-hot real instate investment. 同时,各界学者和老百姓都希望通过房地产保有税改革抑制房地产投机行为,使中国房地产业走上健康的发展道路。
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- the transformation of property fights 企业改制
- With the deepening of the reform of school owned enterprises great changes have happered to the structure of property right, management system and operation machanism. 随着高校校办企业改制的不断深入,企业的产权结构、管理体制和运行机制均发生了重大变化。
- An allowance made for a loss in value of property. 折旧对财物价值的损失所作的折扣
- Ownership of property involves great expense. 拥有房地产要有很大的开销。
- Presents the problems that face construction enterprises while carrying out the modern en-terprise system and inquires into the reform of property right system in construction enterprises. 论述施工企业实行现代企业制度所面临的六个方面的问题,探讨施工企业进行产权制度改革的思路。
- The transfer of property usually land to someone else. 将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让。
- And the anthropomorphize that reform of property right system can realize company property right, make pursuit industry gain the biggest consequently change had immanent because of,move. 而产权制度改革可以实现企业产权的人格化 ,因而使追求企业利润最大化有了内在动因。
- One to whom a power of appointment of property is granted. 委托处理财产者被授权指定财产受益者的人
- She also calls for reform of the law on nullity. 她呼吁对离婚法进行改革。
- Since reformation and opening,stateowned coal enterprise carries on a great deal exploration in reformation of system of property rights and gains rich achievements. 论述了改革开放以来,国有煤炭企业在产权制度改革中进行了大量的探索,取得了丰硕成果。
- The reform of higher education continued to deepen. 高等教育改革继续深化。
- The reform of system of property levy tax 论我国财产课税制度的改革
- Press ahead with the Reform of Housing. 积极推进住房体制改革。