- refresh and benefit the eyes 明目怡神
- An unperfumed, transparent, cooling gel to instantly refresh and lightly moisturise the delicate skin around the eyes. 无香料,透明的,清凉的着哩即刻更新并轻柔的滋润你脆弱的眼部皮肤。
- Refresh and calm down the nerve. Banish anxiety. 提神,安抚、消除焦虑,改善失眠。
- Characteristic and benefit: Quality of a material is lightsome, can rapid thoroughly the eye ministry colour of efface water-solubility makeup, do not leave any grease remain. 特点和益处: 质地轻盈,能够迅速彻底地抹去水溶性的眼部彩妆,并不留下任何油脂残留。
- Personal contact will no doubt promote mutual understanding and benefit the extension of trade. 亲自接触必将促进彼此的了解,有助于扩大贸易。
- Athletic events at universities attract scores of fans and benefit the whole community. 在大学中举办的运动比赛通常吸引众多的运动迷,并且造福整个社区。
- The sweat ran into the eyes and smarted. 汗水淌时眼里一阵阵刺痛。
- Regardless now or future, we will cherish every opportunity to win the trust, seek the development, and benefit the society, sparing no efforts! 无论现在还是将来,我们都会珍视每一个机会,为赢得信赖、谋求发展、造福社会竭尽全力!
- The eyes redeem the face from ugliness. 这双眼睛弥补了他其貌不扬之缺陷。
- Fitch believes more rules on how to advertise and promote cigarettes would reduce competition and benefit the companies with bigger market shares. 惠誉评级公司认为,关于广告和促销卷烟的法律增多,将会减少竞争,使那些拥有较大市场份额的公司受益。
- The P.crispus grows moderately in Xuanwu Lake will improve the water quality in winter and spring and benefit the balance and health for ecosystem. 指出,在湖区维持一定量的菹草,对湖泊在冬春季的水环境质量的改善以及生态系统的平衡与健康方面具有重要意义。
- Refresh and relish a sensitivity to Chinese. 保持、享受一份对中文的敏感。
- The man hit him sock in the eye. 那个男人一拳正好打在他的眼睛上。
- The eyes are black and gleam like a snake's. 它的眼睛象蛇眼一样又黑又亮。
- We hope our studies can provide new insights in the understanding of stem cell maintenance, differentiation, oncogenesis and benefit the clinical applications of stem cells. 藉由这些研究,我们期望能促进对细胞学及发生学的瞭解,及干细胞在临床中的应用。
- We have attempted to explain the physical mechanism of some of the results, to deepen the understanding of GMI phenomena and benefit the future works on better GMI materials. 初步尝试对所得结果的物理机理进行了解释,深化了对GMI现象的理解,有助于更优越的GMI材料的探索。
- He nearly poked me in the eye with his stick. 他的竿子几乎扎着我的眼睛。
- Anyway, setting up a smart situation for nuclear reprogramming will improve the efficience of producing SCNT-ES cell line and benefit the therapeutic cloing. 创造各种适于核重编程的条件有利于从更高的起点开展核移植胚胎干细胞研究,提高重构胚胎干细胞建系效率。
- He praises a man to the eye and says tale backside. 他会当面吹捧一个人,背后又说他坏话。
- The government sells the grain stored in public granaries at fair prices in famine years to stabilize the grain price in the disaster area and benefit the people there. 政府平粜粮食,是为了稳定灾区粮价,使灾区人民受益。