- Can we get hold of this man and question him? 能把他找来问问吗?
- I will seek and question him of his lore. 我倒要找上他,向他讨教他的渊博的学问。
- We shall have to detain him and question him. 我们只好把他扣起来,讯问他一下。
- How much comfort and question... 多少安慰及疑问
- Her voice,coming out of the darkness,was young and questioning. 她年轻而又满是疑问的声音不时地从黑暗中传来。
- Her voice, coming out of the darkness, was young and questioning. 她年轻而又满是疑问的声音不时地从黑暗中传来。
- But doubt and questioning cannot continue indefinitely. 但是疑与问不能永久存在。
- Judicial personnel also may interrogate and question the defendant. 审判人员可以讯问被告人。
- They invited her in and questioned her merity. 他们请她进去,问她有什么特长。
- All theories, in this sense, are born refuted and die refuted. 从这一意义上说,所有理论之遭受反驳是与生而来、随死而去的。
- Classroom participation?discussion and questions. 课堂的参与,包括讨论和回答问题,
- She was arrested and questioned about the fire. 她被拘留讯问有关火灾的事情。
- Wrap-up, Review, and Questions of the Final Exam. 总结、复习与期末考问题。
- Thoughts and questions about life and love. 对生活与爱的思考与疑问。
- It is imperative that the issues and questions be addressed. 指出这些问题和争端是绝对必要的。
- John the Baptist was languishing in prison and questioning his faith. 施洗约翰在监狱中日渐憔悴,开始怀疑他的信仰。
- But some of Doyle's ideas seem demeaning and questionable. 但是,劳拉·多伊尔的某些观点看起来似乎有损自尊,很成问题。
- A number of suspects were rounded up and questioned. 若干嫌疑犯被捕并受到审问。
- He dissented and questioned the justice of the award. 他提出质问,说裁判不公允。
- Response to user issues and questions, provide quick solution. 负责系统用户信息的更新和维护,保证终端用户的正常使用。