- The great majority of us the assurance of another life beyond the grave. 大多数人一度相信死后能确保再有一次生命这件事。
- And life everlasting beyond the grave. 关于死亡的解脱和生命的永恒。
- Is there life beyond the grave, ie after death? 死後还有生命吗?
- region beyond the grave 阴间
- the region beyond the graven. 阴间
- Is there life beyond the grave(= life after death)? 人死后有来生吗?
- They pursued me beyond the grave. 我进了坟墓,他们还缠着我不放。
- And heard his wife call from beyond the grave. 并且听见他的妻子的声音穿过墓穴呼唤他。
- The state pries into lives of everyone, even beyond the grave. 无论死人活人,在制度下都只是档案号码。
- Tattenai, governor of the region beyond the River, Shethar Bozenai, and his counselors acted in conformity with the order of King Darius. 于是河西州长塔特乃、舍达波则乃和他们的同僚,全照达理阿王所颁布的,一一遵行。
- Well within the Kuiper Belt, an extensive region beyond the orbit of Neptune, the Pluto system could be the first quadruple Kuiper Belt object known. 在科伊伯带中,在海王星的一个广泛区域里,冥王星系可能是第一个已知的大于科伊伯带四倍的行星系。
- Misers hold no belief in a life beyond the grave, the present is all in all to them. 凡是守财奴都只知道眼前,不相信来世。
- For a man who claimed an "ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave", it was a fitting existence. 对于一个自称“醉心于预测生后荣耀”的人而言,他的死不愧为最好的注脚(这句的翻译有待商榷)。
- For a man who claimed an “ecstatic prescience of the glories beyond the grave”, it was a fitting existence. 对于一个自称“狂喜地预见到死后荣耀”的人,他的一生确实不虚此言。
- Experts say it s the perfect way to tell everyone at your funeral procession, I m judging you from beyond the grave. 专家说对于每个参加你的葬礼的人来说都是一种很好的方式,“我不只从你的坟墓评判你。”
- While such experiences are profound, no one has returned with proof or verifiable information from "beyond the grave. 怀疑论者的看法是,濒死体验可以解释,但是是受损大脑可以预期的自然幻觉。
- Even now the people in the remoter regions beyond the noise of the guns are carrying on quietly as usual. 偏远地区听不到炮声的人们,至今还是静悄悄地在那里过活。
- They were as silent as the grave. 他们静默著,一言不发。
- Kashya's Rogue scouts have informed me that a cave nearby is filled with shadowy creatures and horrors from beyond the grave. 卡夏的萝格斥候已经告诉我们那个洞穴附近到处都是影子般的生物,以及从坟墓中爬出来的怪物。