- The Regional Competition of Southern Region for the year 2006, took place in Johor Bahru, Johor. 每年一度的马来西亚区域赛,于南部-柔佛州,新山举行。
- Like other resources, human capital in Western China is at a disadvantaged position in regional competition. 西部地区的人力资本也同其所拥有的其它资源一样,在区域竞争中一直处于非常不利的地位。
- The level of this regional competition ability is based on whether local governments could efficiently and influentially play a key role or not. 这种区域间的激烈竞争,很大程度上表现为地域的竞争,对地域竞争能力的高下,关键在于地方政府能否更有效率和影响地发挥作用。
- Emerging from the 1980 census in the picture of a nationdeveloping more and more regional competition, as population growthin the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill. 1980年美国人口普查表明,随着东北部和中西部人口增长近乎停止,地区间的竞争越来越激烈。
- Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition,as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill. 1980年以来人口调查统计显示;随着东北和中西部人口增长的停止;国内区域人口竞争更加激烈.
- This paper analysized the location difference of regional competition power, the location difference of regional condition and location graviation field. 而本文从区域竞争力的区位差异、区域环境的区位差异和区位引力场等方面加以分析。
- Infor-mationlization provides new technological path for regional development, produces universal innovation, and composes important aspect for regional competition. 信息化为促进区域创新发展提供了新的技术路径,形成了通用性创新,构成了区域综合竞争力的重要内容。
- No input supply a larger proportion of the market, that the Eastern Regional competition in the market in the next few years compared to the Western, will be even more vehement. 未投入市场供应量占据较大比例,表明东区在未来几年区域市场竞争相对于西区而言,将更为激烈。
- Meanwhile, the regional competition, which is much fiercer because of the roles division of globalization, has characterized by the territorial competition to a great extent. 但与此同时,全球化角色的分工,也使得各个区域间的竞争更加激烈。
- It is the key to evaluate the regional competition whether or not improving the Regional Innovation System as the core of the increasing the innovative ability. 在区域经济发展中,以提高创新能力为核心的区域创新系统的完善与否,成为衡量一个地区竞争力的关键。
- This paper developed a simple industrial organization economic model to discuss the economic consequences of regional competition and local protectionism under the decentralization reform in China. 本文建立了一个简单的产业组织经济学模型来讨论中国分权化改革过程中地区竞争与地方保护主义的经济后果。
- Emerging from the 1980 census is the picture of a nation developing more and more regional competition, as population growth in the Northeast and Midwest reaches a near standstill. 随着人口在东北部和中西部近乎停止增长,地区性竞争愈演愈烈:这就是1980年的人口普查所显示出来的国家情况。
- The regional competitive advantage rest with tacit knowledge to the more extent. 集群学习是一定区域内的成员企业为了应付技术不确定性的挑战而采取的协调行动,本质上是知识空间转移的一种有效载体。
- Regional Industry Competitiveness (RIC) is the vital factor of Regional Competitiveness. 区域产业竞争力是区域竞争力的决定因素。
- When a strong regional competitiveness, and they took a different area of orders from there. 当某个区域的竞争力变强,他们就把其他区域的定单抽调到那里。
- Is a mechanism for sugar, paper, alcohol and bagasse pulp manufacturing enterprises must have a regional competitive advantage. 公司是一家机制糖、机制纸、酒精以及蔗渣浆生产企业,具有一定的区域竞争优势。
- Cluster of enterprises is the concentrate epitomize, developing cluster of enterprises can improve regional competitiveness promptly. 摘要企业集群是区域竞争力的集中体现,发展企业集群能大大提升区域竞争力。
- Three of HKBU's rising sports stars, Winnie Lin, Carrie Suen and Kelvin Kwok, have won an impressive array of trophies and awards in local and regional competitions. 浸大运动健儿林韵妮(育及康乐管理二年级)孙嘉儿(际学院一年级)郭钧庭(际学院二年级)最近在比赛中取得佳绩。撑竿跳好手林韵妮更刷新本地纪录,女飞鱼孙嘉儿更荣登今届香港杰出运动员行列。
- From a hi-tech zone's aspect, EBD has better ecological beautiful environment, which promotes regional competitiveness and attracts more investment and talents. 从科技园角度而言,EBD使园区城市化和生态化,环境的优美、配套的人性、效率的提高无疑提升了园区的竞争力,促进了招商引资、产业发展和人才的集聚。
- Our team won the regional laurels. 我们的球队赢得了地区冠军。